Saturday 31 May 2014

Creating a frame structure for chapter pages

Since i had done my section pages i decided to go back to my chapter pages and create a structure for it as well as starting to add the content in. The reason i wanted a new structure to my chapter pages is because i wanted the user to be able to tell the difference between a chapter page and a section page, as i wanted to make them look different.

I initially wanted a similar concept to my section pages with an individual container for each area of content as well as using a background colour to place the content in a box frame. Looking back at my ibook i realised that i used a lot of the odd looking boxes to frame and contain a lot of my content in, and it made me realise i could do something similar to my website.

(examples of my iBook where i used the boxes to contain my content in)

The way in which i was thinking of being able to achieve this idea was to use the frame structure from my section pages and change the colour to the box colour from my ibook and then replace the skyline top part and use a rugged scrappy look, similar to the box top from the ibook, and then use a bottom part as well and have it place under the container so it would look like the box from that i used in my ibook but just stretched with max width.

This is how it looks like on a couple of the chapter pages as i haven't officially added the content in yet, the text and video is just something i randomly used so i could have content in there for the time being so i could see what the container looked like.

From this style for all of the chapter pages, i will have multiple boxes in order to contain my information. I will most likely use two to three boxes per chapter page as i don't want to have too much content for more of the introduction to the chapter on a whole. 

Something i also i added to fit the theme of the rest of my section pages, is by adding an arrow with text, which i feel like is a cute touch and informs the user well about looking for more content and knowing where to go to get it.

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