Thursday 8 May 2014

Navigation Plans

For my navigation within my website as i was brainstorming ideas, i had difficulties thinking of the best way to present the navigation without making it seem like a book (i.e. navigation - chapter 1, chapter 2 etc). However using the title names of each of the chapters would make it look disproportionate with the other ones, if i had a horizontal navigation bar. I decided that I wanted my main homepage to be simple and I wanted to use my navigation through image rollovers underneath my logo, as a better and more approachable way of displaying the navigation, and making it more interactive with the user.

Above is what the navigation will consist of, however i'm thinking on not adding an 'about/info' mage because it would just be extra work which might be an issue since i'm having a lot o worries about this project already. When someone clicks on a chapter I was thinking of adding page with the sections within that chapter with a little introduction to the chapter and the sections you can choose through a similar navigation scheme to the chapter one, with image rollover boxes.

Clicking on an individual section would then lead to a separate page with the individual section and the content. A way of navigating back would be to click the back button on the default browser page or on the 'home' button. 

However Despite the idea of having separate pages for individual sections I've been thinking that, that would be a lot of pages to work on for this website, and that might be too much for me, so i'm thinking of just having a page for each chapter with small bulks of content for each section on one page, and potentially I could add a button scroll option that would take the user to individual sections.

What i plan to do is think what i need to reduce in the content from the ibook and what things i will scrap and what things i will keep within my content, and i'm also thinking of reducing some extra pages i added in my ibook as well as some sections as well.

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