Sunday 1 June 2014

Creating Chapter Header Banners

After i had got my structure for my chapter pages on my website sorted out i then wanted to begin adding assets to each of the pages, and the first thing i began doing was creating some header banners in illustrator for each of the chapters, but i was slightly in decisive about what i wanted the chapter headers to look like, as i wanted them to be different from the section pages, but still work with them theme of the site and look nice.

At first i didn't know what i wanted the banner to look, so i came up with a couple of ideas, shown below, and in these i was trying to express some relation to earthquakes in these headers.

I did like these concepts, especially the one on the right however, because it was suppose to be a hole and cracks i originally thought it was a cool concept  as it related to my ibook chapter introduction pages. However when i kept looking at it on the website, it didn't feel right as it looked like a hole was hovering instead of a birds eye view of the hole, so i decided to scrap the idea.

The other header i made on the left was an okay idea but when i placed it on the website it didn't look like a header and it just didn't work with the overall style of the site, so i decided to come up with a few other ideas for chapter headers, and then i was able to create one i felt comfortable with.

Because in my logo for the website i used a ribbon in it i thought potentially i could create something like a ribbon as a chapter header, but using different colour so people could tell it was a separate thing from the logo, and below is what i ended up creating as an representation example of all the chapter headers.

It was simple and helped to frame the topic name pretty well, so i decided to go for it and see what it looked like on the website, and below is how it looked.

Personally i think it looks fine and in nice how there is spacing away from the logo and the actual content boxes so i feel like its got the room it needs, and it being centred brings the page together and i think works really well. If i decide to change the chapter header i will do so when i go back to college to get some feedback from other people and if i can think of a better idea, potentially i will change it, but to be honest i like it and don't really think it needs changing but i guess we'll see.

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