Thursday 29 May 2014

Adding Videos / Arrows

After getting my main structure in my section pages and beginning to add content for the pages, for some of them i wanted to use videos and for some reason i couldn't get the whole copy and paste <iframe> from places like vimeo and youtube to work. Because of this i decided to have local videos where they would be sourced from my website folder, and to do this i needed the videos.

When i was trying to find a video downloader i came across a software called 'Apowesoft video downloader' and this is a downloader that can work by adding in the url for vimeo videos or youtube videos and you can download it and have it convert into a HD video.

This was a great and easy way to get the videos that i wanted in my website, and for my code for one of the videos for example, it looked like this below.

This piece of code would allow it to be automatically responsive, which is what i wanted, and every time i used the downloader all i would have to do would be to place the video in my main website folder, and in this case i placed in my images folder to make it easier for me and then place the code in and it would work, see for yourself below!

Something i've also added recently my site is arrows, now i've made these images with a bit of small text above and used it to point out certain aspects within my site, like that what an image is or what a video is about, and i've done this to make my website more interesting and quirky. I like it as it makes the site more fun and points out things to user that they might not be sure about so it helps to keep them informed and that's why i like it!

I've used this arrow element throughout my website in certain cases, in order to make the website fit as one and make the website seem a little bit more funner and enjoyable as well as keeping the user informed on certain elements of the website. Below is a few examples

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