Tuesday 6 May 2014

Flat UI (Inspiration)

Within my previous project of the wonders of nature (Earthquakes) for the iBook I've covered quite a bit about using flat design and flat interface style and is something i did achieve in that project. And because this project we are using the same content from our previous project, we are essentially making a website version of our iBooks which means we will be using similar visual styles from the iBook as well, and that is something I want to do in my website, with a few changes or additions here and there.

For my website I want to include more Flat UI within my design but sticks with the similar style to my iBook. With flat interface I've looked at, through some research and inspiration from websites, it seems a lot of web pages use flat interface design and layout, as well as icons representing information which ties in well with the design.

I've gone on many websites and even pinterest and got a lot of inspiration for what i could do with interface design and in particular a flat style to it with icons etc. Here's a couple examples below which I found on pinterest which are quite inspiring.

Here is a link to a board I made in Pinterest which has a lot of images i pinned and made into a group as a way to keep all my inspirations all together.

Link to my Pinterest Board: http://gb.pinterest.com/davey1043/web-design/

All of these are very inspiring and have many elements which are distinctive which appealed to me in all sorts of ways. Al lot of these designs on some web examples use a lot of flat design and infographics and icons to present or present a certain topic with extra information close by it. I love a lot of the colour schemes and the way some of these examples are laid out. Flat interface does seem to be increasing and it helps to make a site more simplistic but also visually engaging and stunning and that's what i want for my website and making users enjoy the experience of using my site and navigating and admiring.

Below i was using the site easyjet to look up some certain things, and i noticed that easyjet also uses a few elements of flat design within its interface as well as using icons to represent its topic and section. Also some of the design layout looks similar to what i was planning on going for, for my website.

These mixture of colours works really well with the oranges and whites from the interface and the blue water background, and it gives the feeling of 'holiday' which is probably what they wanted to achieve. Despite the website not being responsive, the design and layout is very engaging and on mobile devices and other screens within the website uses very fun and colourful interface and layout which makes the website more fun to use and navigate through. Overall this site is another one to add in my inspirations list for this project.

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