Monday 19 May 2014

Barcelona Day Four (16th of May - Friday)

On Day four it was the second day of the OFFF conference and again i didn't exactly know who i was going to see despite who i looked at on the OFFF app with the schedule. There were a couple in mind i was thinking of seeing and I ended up going to the conference around 11:00 with some of the others to catch the first presentation which was someone called Oliver Jeffers which started at 11:30.

Oliver Jeffers

Oliver Jeffers is a guy who does a lot of illustrations and has made a lot of paintings in the past and others things as well as creating a lot of children's picture books, which were very inspiring to see.

This is what he looks like above.

Below is a range of some of his illustrations and the type of style he has, and a lot of it is very inspiring and i really admire him and what he does as it makes me want to go into the area of whorl like him, i.e. illustrator children book illustrator and writer. Now this is something i'll consider for the future and see if i can develop my illustrations further to create a visual style of my own and it'll help me think about what roots i want to go into in design when i leave college.

As you can see from the pictures above, Oliver Jeffers is an amazing guy who has a great amount of talent in illustration and storytelling, and its really inspired me to get better and work hard so i can be like him (amazing) haha. Below are a couple of links from vimeo of the videos he showed at the conference  and also a link to his website.

Link to video:
Link to his site:

After the presentation with Oliver Jeffers, me and my friend Amy went to try and see Pomme Chan which is a artist and typography artist in the open room place upstairs, however we couldn't get in so we decided to head back down in the main roots room to see Hvass & Hannibal.

Hvass and Hannibal 

Hvass & Hannibal do a lot of illustrative and conceptual design and a lot of it was very impressive and here are a few pieces of their work below.

Hvass and Hannibal had a lot of interesting imagery and graphic design, but it really appealed to me, through the use of patterns and shapes and icons etc. All of it together made a lot of these pieces look amazing and it was very interesting listening to what they had to say and it was worth watching them. Below is a link to their site and all the different type of work they did.

Link to site:

Second Story

After taking a break and went into the town of Glories we came back to the conference and watched the presentation from second story which they create innovative and interactive experiences on the web, now this was very interesting. Their work within web was to try and create stories within interaction making the user in control and see what appeals to them, the presentation was very insightful especially whilst on our course we're making a website, so it was defiantly worth watching this one.

Alex Mathers

Alex Mathers was the final person we saw at the conference on the day and he is an self-reliant illustrator who had worked within Geography and later decided to take up illustration and began imprecating landscape and illustration together. This conference i felt mixed about, though his illustrations were really good, his presentation was a little dry and boring as he kept on going on about 'self-reliance' the whole way through and some things he was saying wasn't really true, which made me have mixed emotions about his presentation. I loved his work he created and presented but i wish he explained more about his work than how to become 'self-reliant'. Below is a a few examples of his illustrations, as well as some links to site.

Link to site:

After seeing everyone on the second day at OFFF me and the others decided to head back to our hotel and me and a couple of others later on then went to the Gaudi park which was fun as there were some great views and it was so nice to take a hike up this park and make it all the way to the top to see the amazing view.

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