Monday 19 May 2014

Barcelona - Day Two (14th of May - Wednesday)

On the second day we were able to still do our own thing and explore because the OFFF conference started a day later, meaning we had an extra day spare to do what we wanted. We decided to go to the beach! To get there we ended up getting the bus and that was about a 20 minute journey which wasn't too bad because it meant we could see the sites from the window and the city of Barcelona.

Once we got to our stop we headed to the beach and then rented some beach chairs to sit and relax on, and we ended up spending a couple of hours chilling at the beach admiring the hot weather and the beautiful beach. The only annoying thing was constantly getting asked from people if we wanted to buy things like cold beer or blankets which was a pain, but apart from that we all had a very relaxing time at the beach.

After that we decided to head to the cable car tower as it was quite close by and the cable car leads to a hill and we thought it would be a fun experience. A couple of people didn't fancy coming so they stayed at the beach whilst the rest of us headed to the tower to buy our tickets, where we had to wait a while to queue up, but it was totally worth it. After we got out tickets we got an elevator up the top of the tower where we then had to queue again to actually get on a cable car to the hill.

Once we got to the top of the tower and finally got on the cable car, we travelled to the hill and the views from the cable car were amazing, and really presented the city well and made it look enormous. Originally i thought i wasn't going to enjoy the ride o the cable car since i'm kinda afraid of heights, but once i saw the amazing views i completely forgot about the height. Here are a couple of photos below of the view from the cable car whilst we were travelling to the hill.

After getting to our destination of the hill, we explored the area walking around a 'parkish' area admiring the plant life and afterwards we then starting walking up the hill, getting a lot more amazing views and also getting an ice lolly which was needed with the heat and the amount of walking we were doing. Later after doing a lot of walking and looking around the hill and getting quite high up we decided to head back so we could meet up with Shirley and George at 6pm.

When we made it back to the hotel we freshened up so we could all take the tube to get our OFFF conference tickets (wrist bands) a day early so we wouldn't have to queue for our tickets on the day and end up missing some of the presentations. So we got the tube from Lesseps to Catalyna and then changed at Glories and that's where we ended up getting our tickets and also a free book which had a lot of great imagery from the people presenting at the conference which was really cool.

After we got out tickets George to us to a place called the 'old town' which was a nice place and had a lot of market stuff etc. Later afterwards we then were deciding where to eat and George and Shirley left us to it so we had a little wonder to find a place and ended up eating at a Tapas place where we were able to all sit together. I had pasta with tomato sauce which was okay but pretty bland and salty but not that bad, and our drinks we ordered were tiny for how much we paid which was kinda annoying but overall we had a few laughs and had a great time eating dinner together.

(I'm on the left - 2nd to last at the back)

After eating dinner and having a great day we decided to head back to the hotel, so we could freshen up and get ready for bed for tomorrows first day at the conference.

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