Friday 30 May 2014

Making things simpler

When putting some content on my pages there were instances where i was placing the content in and was adding text underneath a image for example but because i didn't have a lot of text content for particular bits of content i felt that using mainly 8 columns wouldn't work unless i either added more text content or got rid of the text content.

The page i'm referring to is the safety page within the sections on my safety chapter and when i was adding the supply images of 'what you need for an earthquake' i realised it wouldn't work by adding text as there was very little of it for each supply and because the information i had originally wanted to use was obvious on what it was or how to use one of the supplies i decided to make it easier on myself and make it simpler by just using the images and having a comment with an arrow above to point out that they are supplies that are needed incase of an earthquake.

Overall i think it makes the layout more comfortable and i feel added text would have ruined it and the titles underneath the image speak for themselves so its more obvious to the user what images they are and because using them or getting these supplies is general knowledge i felt that added text really wouldn't have been needed.

Also for another page of mine and in the same chapter i.e. 'common places' section page i was originally going to have a continent per column with the image at the side at the text on the other side but as i was doing this i realised i didn't have as much text content as i thought so i decided to simplify it by adding all the places on a four column grid to make the text fit with the size of the screen and images and i think it looks better this way.

Also when i was working on the 'safety' page, i was originally going to add before, during and after section but because i added a lot of text for that in my ibook i realised that on the website the content of it would make it look messy and overwhelming, so i decided only to add the '3 step rule' because it would make the layout more neater and overall not overwhelm the user with text which is what i wanted to avoid doing, so i could give the user a better experience when using my site.

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