Monday 19 May 2014

Barcelona - Day One (13th of May - Tuesday)

I will be making a few entries on my blog of a holiday class trip that i went on with the rest of our digital media class to Barcelona from the13th to the 18th of May (2014). This post will be about the 1st day of travelling to Barcelona and what I did as well as overall thoughts of the 1st day in Barcelona etc. Alongside that i will attach some images as well for viewing pleasure and to give more of an insight to the holiday and how good it was!

Where to start? hmmmm. Okay! so to start the first day i had pre-packed my suitcase the day before and was ready for the holiday. I woke up around 7am i think to get an early start and make sure i was fully ready to head to gatwick to meet everyone and catch my plane.

I left my home around 8:15am to get the 8:34 train to Gatwick from Wivelsfield, and as i got the train i was able to meet up with one of my friends Amy and we waited on the train until we got to Gatwick Airport, where we then waited for the others to arrive and all went together to check in our suitcases and catch the plane to Barcelona.

The plane journey was okay, and i originally thought that i wasn't going to like it that much since i hadn't been on a plane since i was 13 and i'm slightly afraid of heights, haha. However the plane journey wasn't that long and i was worrying over nothing and the time flew by and next thing i knew we were in Barcelona.

(The place we stayed in Barcelona)

After we arrived in Barcelona airport we then went thought security and made our way through the tube and got to Lesseps and made it to our hotel where we checked in and settled in our rooms unpacking and just admiring the views from our balconies and enjoying the weather.

We soon after began to explore the area, looking for food, we went to the Spar shop near by to buy a new snacks and then all went as a group to search for dinner. we spent about 30 mins looking around the area searching for food and decided there wasn't really any good places that could hold 10 of us, so we went back to the hotel to get some wi-fi and see if there was a decent place nearby. Soon after we found a place on our phones which was called 'Hard Rock Cafe' and it was about a 30 min walk to get there and we all figured, why not?

We walked in the city of Barcelona for about 40 mins trying to find this cafe and then by the time we got there it was very packed and we had to wait over an hour to all get seated together to eat, so we asked if we could come back, whilst we wait, so we could kill some time. We went in a small shopping centre kind of place and sat in some comfy seats whilst we chilled for a while. Afterwards we then went back to the cafe and looked at the menus whilst still waiting and realised the prices were too expensive and it wasn't worth it. Although i did buy a nice T-shirt from the cafe whilst we were waiting. Because it was too expensive we just decided to eat in  either Burger King or Mc Donalds.

After we had dinner there, we lost the others who had gone to Burger King and just decided to walk back to the hotel to burn the calories, and then we made it back and were exhausted and went to bed.

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This day was very tiring and a lot of mishaps happened which made the day more annoying but funnier at the same time, for example:

Amy putting her suitcase padlock keys in her suitcase and having to think of a good way to brake it the padlock open and then used some pliers.

Walking around for ages to find somewhere to eat then waiting an hour just not to go to it and look at the menus at the last second when we could have looked earlier to save us so much time.

Losing Terry and not knowing where he was at, and felt guilty he wasn't with us, as well as losing the others from burger king.

And Kerry accidentally leaving her mobile on the mc donalds tray and then having to rummage through the bins to find it again.

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As you can see it was quite an eventful day and even though a lot of things went wrong it was amazing and we all had a laugh and a good time and it was a very funny first day in Barcelona and one to remember.

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