Thursday 29 May 2014

Adding in extra content

On some of my pages i've decided to add a little bit of extra content, and in some cases it was because i wanted the layout of certain pages to look more structured or neater.

In other cases i wanted to add or split up content so i could add in extra images or so the page would feel like it had more content and it wasn't as empty or a waste of a page, and i did this for a few of my pages. For example below is a screenshot of my 'tectonic plates' page and i added extra images and text alongside that because i felt that for the website there wasn't enough content on this topic, so i thought of a good way to add more content as well as linking it in with text and then did so and placed it so the page looked more fuller with content.

However in other cases i added more content in because something on a page felt missing or the structure of the  page wasn't complete. For example in my 'impact' section i placed images on a eight column grid with information underneath. However i had an odd amount of images and for some reason placing 3 images on a six column grid wouldn't work so i wanted to stay with the 8 columns but that meant at the bottom there was a missing space.

I decided to add in an extra 'impact' which was water and made some graphics and came up with some text which i already had from the previous project which i added as an attachment to electricity and made it, its own separate thing so i could have even number of content on the column grid.

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