Friday 30 May 2014

Finishing section pages!

After spending a lot of time getting the structure sorted out and placing in all the content in, and making the overall presentation a layout looking nice, i've finally been able to get my section pages finished!

Getting these pages done did take some time and it was very time consuming to get the right structure for these pages, however once i sorted out all the structure for one of my section pages it was easy to do it for the rest of them.

Some pages within the sections had more content than others, and some had sliders and there were a few problems i encountered when placing the content in at times or getting the slider to work the way i wanted it to work and look.  Despite all of the section pages are done.

I will if i have time go back and add things to certain pages or remove things or change particular things about certain aspects of those pages, but for now i'm happy how they look and the fact that i've got them done, now its time to work on my chapter introduction pages!

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