Monday 19 May 2014

Barcelona - Day Three (15th of May - Thursday)

Our third day was the first day that the OFFF conference started and i was very excited to get to see inside the conference and what it would be like as well as making my mind who i was going to see. We all got the tube to Glories around 10:45 in the morning to get an early start to the day. Below is a photo of what our 3 day entry ticket/wristband looked like.

Above is a large photo of what the conference looked like and the funny thing a lot of people in our group pointed out is that the place looked like a minecraft dog, which was quite funny. Because we got our wristband entry a day early we could simply just walk right into the conference without having to queue which was nice.

Above are a couple of photo's i took of what the main conference hall looked like as well as the logo of the conference 'OFFF' projected on the wall which was pretty cool.

To start with there was a lot to see on the day and i was having a hard time figuring out what to see since some presentations overlapped on top of others so i had to think what i wanted to see and what would be more enjoyable and more worth it.

Lorem Ispem

The first conference I saw was the Lorem ipsum and they are a group of people who do a lot of graphic design and visual design through imagery, photography, and video etc and they showed a couple of videos one of them being the teaser trailer for the conference, shown below.

Above are a couple of screenshots from the teaser trailer and i love the way they edited it and the use of colour and type as well as making it very humorous and overall it was a very nice piece of advertising for the conference. They showed another piece of their work which was more recent, to do with relationships and it was interesting and we watched it twice in order to get a better meaning of the video. It was strange and something i hadn't seen before but that is what made it stand out and eventually i began to really like it, however i still was a bit mixed about some of the clips they used and the overall video was good but just strange in a unique way.

Laurent Paul Robert

After viewing Lorem Ipsum me and a couple of others (Amy and Shirley) stayed in the main room (roots room) to watch the next presentation which was Laurent Paul Robert and this person is an illustrator as well as a film director and photographer and musician, and this person has worked on a lot of projects and the stuff he showed was to do with film and special effects or miss-en-scene stuff from work they've done previously which was pretty cool and it gave a good insight to see how much extra editing and such goes into these films and how it transforms them entirely and the presentation was engaging and interesting to watch.


Link to site:

Afterwards me, Amy and Shirley decided afterwards to take a break and explore the city area nearby the conference to find some lunch, we then ended up going to starbucks and a frozen yogurt place which was nice, and then afterwards we came back to the conference and watched Polynoid's work.

Polynoid was amazing and they do a lot of video work within design and a lot of animation to do with bugs and creatures and ave worked with some game companies etc and a lot of the videos they showed were very interesting and engaging. I really liked their work, it is easy to seer that they were into insects as they had done a few projects to do with spiders and bee's/wasps etc. in some on their videos so it was cool to understand how they made their stuff and their progression as well as the work etc they put in, for little money at times.

Seb Lester

After I saw Polynoid most of us later saw Seb lester and this guy lives in Lewes in the UK and does illustration and type in calligraphy and his work was AWESOME! I love his whole presentation, hearing about his childhood and how he got inspired to the work he created, it was amazing and i really enjoyed his conference the most on that day as he really appealed to me, especially hearing he lives close to our college haha.

Link to his site:

Above is a bunch of Seb Lesters work including a link to a video he showed us at the conference from his presentation. This man is very inspiring and its made me realise how typography can look so beautiful and look like pure art, and i really admire his work and he's definitely an inspiration to me and many others as well.

After seeing Seb Lester me and the others decided to go see the cathedral near by and it was really beautiful to see the stain glass windows and after admiring the inside of the cathedral me and Amy decided to head back to our hotel since we were tired and it had been a long day.

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