Saturday 24 May 2014

Barcelona Day Six - Final day (18th of May - Sunday)

The 18th of May was our final day in Barcelona and i wasn't happy about this, as i really enjoyed the whole experience of the holiday and had so much fun with everyone, that it was hard to say goodbye to Barcelona. 

In the morning i got up early and showered and began packing my suitcase to get everything ready for the trip to the airport, and around 11:30 when everyone was ready we decided to head to the tube and make our way to the airport to head back the UK. 

We got the tube and we spent about an hour in total probably getting to the airport, where we had to go through security and have our bags checked through etc the usual.

After that when we were all at the airport we were waiting for ages for our plane to arrive and had to wait about 40 minutes more than we needed too as the plane was behind schedule and that annoyed a few of us as most of us don't really like waiting at the airport more than we have to, so that was a bummer. Below is an image of us waiting haha, and bored, so i started taking pictures emphasising this and i have a lot more on my phone but i won't overload this post with all that haha.

After all the waiting we got on the plane and set flight back to the UK and this took us about 1 hour and 30 mins to get back to Gatwick Airport which wasn't too bad and i was admiring the view from the window from the plane ride back. After that i got through all the check out process and then caught my train back home where i was greatly missed by my family and talked for ages about the whole trip which was fun.

Group Photo (i love this photo! <3)

Overall i really enjoyed the whole experience of Barcelona, and everyone made it that much more special and more hilarious. We had a lot of ups and a few downs (mainly being leaving Barcelona) but overall it was so fun seeing some awesome views and taking pictures, going to all these lovely places, and exploring the city and much more. The conference was great and was nice to see so many people talk about their work and how they became what they are etc. which was really inspiring and has boosted me for when i go back to college and also continue the second year and potentially the third. I loved all the illustrators and designers, everyone i watched was great and was very engaging and insightful, the only thing wrong with the conference presentations was sitting on those uncomfortable chairs in the roots room haha, let's hope they had a burning chair ceremony at the midnight after party of OFFF.

My favirote person that presented had to either of been Steve Simpson or Owen Davey as they were very passionate illustrators and inspired me so much and their work was the best out of everyone else's and the work they've done for books, marketing and adverting with products, brands and companies has very cool and is something i wouldn't mind doing when i leave college. Seb Lester and Oliver Jeffers were also amazing people that i really enjoyed watching and listening to at the conference as their work was very engaging. In conclusion i LOVED BARCELONA!!!!! And i hope that we can all go again next year! please George? :)

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