Thursday 6 February 2014

Video Filters

Something i noticed whilst editing my shots is that some of there shots were slightly dark in contrast to some of my other shots which were quite bright, like in my room for example.

This shot is an example of one of the shots that was slightly dark. At the time other people had some problems similar to mine and our teacher Andrew went through how to get by this and make our shots less darker and a bit more vibrant.

He told us that if we want to change brightness or saturation to our shots to make them look more attractive we have to go into 'effects'  then 'video filters' then 'colour correction and then click on 'colour correct 3-way' on the shot we want to change, where a video filter box appears.

This is what appears on FCP when you click 'colour correction 3-way' which displays  the 'blacks' 'mids' 'whites' and 'saturation' now i did this with a lot of my shots that were slightly dark by bring up the 'saturation' and the 'mids' in order to get a slightly brighter and clear shot as well as more colour and vibrance to the shot.

Below is an example of before an After using the colour correction.

Before                                            After 

So as you can see using this technique can make all the difference in the shot and making it look more clearer and sharper. As a result of this technique i repeated this process with the majority of my shots to create slightly more vibrance and sharpness to a lot of my shots as some of them were slightly dark or didn't have a perfect lighting set up.

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