Wednesday 12 February 2014

Overall Improvements

After looking and taking things into consideration i decided based off my crit of my sequence that i would make small improvements from some of the comments made from my sequence and what i could improve.

Above is my final sequence of the process of preparing recording equipment and i've improved many things. Firstly i noticed that before the comments i was given that when i was editing my sequence that the video looked a bit odd. Here's an example below

As you can see the video quality of the screenshot from one of my shots in my sequence is HD but looks odd and i think it was because the video was interlaced. To improve this i went into 'effects' 'video filters' 'video' and then 'de-interlaced' and stopped the whole messy look of the video.

Now this is the comparison from it before and after.



Another improvement i made which i personally decided to change was the font type. Instead of using 'moon flower' in a regular type i decided to use 'moon flower' in bold type so it stands out more and is more eye catching. and this is how it looks from before to now currently after being improved.

So above were the shots that contained the 'moon flower' text and as you can see that its a very light font so then because i realised this i decided to change the font to bold so it could stand out more, as shown below.

As you can see it makes more of a difference and is much more noticeable and will help to catch the viewers eyes in a more obvious way with making the font bolder.

The final improvements i made was placing the sound of the door knock closer to the shot when i was in relief. This was because in the crit some people mentioned to have the tick and the knock at the door at the same time. However because the sound of the door is a lot of a stronger sound i decided against it as it would overlap the tick and people wouldn't be able to hear it. After thinking i decided to compromise and have the sound of the door knock slightly earlier and starting in 2 thirds of the way through the mid shout of me. I feel like it works a lot better now and keeping in with the way i liked it but satisfying other people with nearly an instant knock at the door after i take a 'sign' of relief.

These were my final improvements and i am very pleased and content with my final piece of work with this assignment and really enjoyed it, and is probably my favourite project i've done so far whilst being on this course. The editing part of as well as the cinematography and storyboard part of this assignment is why i loved this assignment the most so far as editing and cinematography and film is a large interest i hold and enjoy doing.

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