Wednesday 5 February 2014

Editing in FCP (Basic start and Speed)

As i started to place my shots in a began by simply arranging the shots in order and beginning to shorten the length of them so it could fit within the 20 second limit.

To start with it wouldn't fit in the time limit so i did get rid of a few shots towards the end so it would end with enigma of the the knock at the door, but at the same time obvious its my friends here to record round my house.

Because i was struggling with time and shortening some of then still didn't help i then began speeding up a lot of my shots not only to fit the time limit of 20 seconds but also to give a sense of speed and time consumption and also trying to quickly set up the equipment.

So i did this my going on a lot of my shots and right clicking them and then clicking 'speed'

Then this box showed up and to change the speed included me having to change the percentage.

I then raised on a lot of my clips to the speed of 150% because it wouldn't make it too disorientating from the speed but would give more of a feel of movement and quick pace throughout my sequence which is what i wanted to achieve.

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