Friday 7 February 2014

Type for Intro

After shooting for my introduction and then picking 3 simple shots that work well to set the scene, i then went onto looking at certain type faces to see what would work well for this intro. One font i recently installed was called 'Moon Flower' and its a san serif and is quite tall. This font i though might be a good choice because it has a very informal feel to it and looks like a good font to use for a project like this.

I then went onto placing it in the shots to see what it looks like and my personal opinion is that it works really well and i think fits in really well and blends well with the shots.

The first shot of the intro has the text from the title of the project which is called 'short sharp shock'. I think placing it in the middle of the shot helps to make it the main focal point and doesn't get lost with the background of the shot with the clouds so i think the colour works well, and the overall look and placement of the title within this shot.

With this shot it was harder to think where to place the piece of text which i decided it to be who made the sequence i.e. me 'By Matthew Davey'. Because the next piece of text was going to be my name i thought of the idea of placing the text on my T-Shirt but because my phone and hand get in the shot, along with the 'L.A' type on my shirt it was hard to do this. I then thought of putting it under the color of my shirt and just above the 'L.A'. I then changed the angle of of it slightly to make it visible and it also helps to make it informal and more unique and eye catching.

The final shot was the hardest out of the three because i want the main focal point to be the text rather than the title of the sequence, however what i'm thinking is that it shows up for the intro and then the shot lasts a little bit longer, being the beginning of the sequence starting, as i want people to be able to notice the title of the sequence and what text i received so the overall sequence makes more sense to people watching it.

With the text i placed in the frame of the i phone so it almost looks like its in the text, and then angled it so it looked more realistic and looked more well framed ad positioned. 

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