Monday 3 February 2014

Presentation and Feedback

Above is my presentation that i used for presenting my ideas to the class as well as some of the inspiration i got from one particular video and might consider using the technique of creating a rhythm from the emphasised sounds in my final idea, but haven't decided yet.

In my presentation i briefly talked about the assignment brief and what we basically had to do for this assignment, followed by showing one video that i was inspired by as this video used natural sounds in the video to give a type of rhythm and beat to the video and turned into more of a music video with the use of sounds and the way it was edited.

I talked about my brainstorms and ideas for actions i would use for my final idea of preparation for recording. I also explained what my final idea i based off, i.e. Let's Plays and just explaining this so people understood my idea for this project, and got a better grasp of what i was actually doing for my time based media. 

I then showed off my draft storyboards so people got more of an understanding of what the process would be like and potentially what type of shots i would use for this idea. I then concluded that my main idea was preparation for recording, and that i'd use a range of emphasising sounds and what shots i would most likely use as well as potentially exploring the whole rhythm sound effects idea, but making a note that i wan't sure i would go for this but definitely explore this idea and experiment with the sounds i use and interpret them into a rhythm. Also i stated that i may use an intro or outdo but haven't decided yet.

This basically what i talked about in my presentation and felt like it went quite well. I didn't really receive much critique from the class, and was praised for my great storyboards, but could've had each shot be its own storyboard. But i explained that they were draft storyboards and i was going to make each shot larger on paper. Overall i didn't really receive any type of critique, which i'm really pleased about.

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