Monday 10 February 2014

Thinking of changing some initial ideas i had... (Rhythm/Beats from Sounds Effects)

In some of my previous analysis posts i talked about the idea of using sound effects to create rhythm or an beat, or even repeating sounds from previous shots in a repetitive way so it creates a beat within the sequence through sound effects. As great as this idea is i have beginning to re think this concept. With this assignment it's suppose to be about a simple journey or process and mine is setting up recording equipment before friends get round to record, so if i add or try to add complex aspects into the video the overall flow might look and feel messy with repetitive beats from sounds along with the current sounds from the actions in the shots.

So I've been rethinking this concept which i was originally going to experiment with, and have decided for the best it is good just to keep it simple, otherwise it could have a downside and effect my overall sequence in a bad way. Overall i'm thinking just not to create a rhythm from previous shots and continue that like in one of the videos i previously analysed. I will be still going for my main idea of 'setting up equipment for recording before friends get round' but that being the main focus and no complex narratives or stories within it or extra complex sounds or adding continuous beats from sound effects.

I think that this will benefit me in the long run and will help to only strengthen the sequence through the choice of shots which i have explored and made to look engaging with use of composition, angles and different depths of field. Along with shots, sounds that i used to enhance the actions will also not be too messy or complex with getting rid of the idea of rhythm throughout through the sounds, instead it will be just emphasise the actions and so far i feel like I've done a good job on that from what I've edited with sound and video.

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