Wednesday 19 March 2014

Videos (Thinking of adding in iBook)

This iBook has to be more than just information and facts that can be displayed on an iPad, it needs to be visually engaging and interactive. I've sketched out many interaction ideas and will be presenting them to the class and getting feedback.

Some of the visuals need to be interactive, like interactive diagrams and questionnaires, but all videos too. Whilst doing research I've found a variety of videos which i might potentially use and put in my iBook.

When someone starts to look inside the iBook i thought it would be a good idea to have a kind of introductory video sequence to earthquakes so people starting to read and interact within the iBook can get an overview of what this iBook is about and what impact earthquakes have etc.

Below is a video I found on vimeo which discusses the seismic waves and how earthquakes are caused etc. This is a great video which has great and simplistic illustrations and animation put together and has a simple visual style which is engaging. I like this video and feel like it will help to add to the information and other content i'll be putting in my iBook.

Below is another example of a video i'm thinking of embedding in my iBook, as it talks about the way in which a tsunami is created from an earthquake and would be a useful visual source for how tsunami's can be caused and how it relates to earthquakes, being one of many ripple effects from earthquakes.

Another video i found to be quite interesting is one that uses tables stacked up, one with supposedly more protection another without it and it compares them both against an earthquake testing in order to help engineers understand ways to improve building structures. This is a great video as it helps to highlight what can happen to a non-earthquake proof building and the benefits of having buildings that can withstand earthquakes. Its a very good comparison of one with and another without earthquake protection through the use of tables.

Here's another video i found which is to do with safety tips and in the form of a video and is visually engaging and makes you more aware what you should/shouldn't do during an earthquake. This is animated very well and conveys the hazards that can happen during an earthquake and what to be aware of if all sorts of circumstances. This is why I want to use this video potentially, because it illustrates the dangers and impacts an earthquake has as well as highlighting what to do in a certain situation during an earthquake, which make people more aware.


The video below is a sequence over a couple of days from the earthquake in Japan which is presented in the form of a view of the world map with Japan in the focal point of the video. This time lapse helps to present the amount of activity within the earth occurred before and during and after the March 11th 2011 earthquake in Japan. This would help to give the user an insight to the amount of activity or movement within the earth before and during and after the big earthquake and what it would look like from a world map point of view, and it is somewhat shocking when you see it when it comes to March 11th and even after that day how much movement there is which I would assume is the aftershock from the main quake.


Below is another video which I'm considering on using, in this video it shows a time lapse of the earthquake in japan in 2011 from the CCTV. There isn't video but the visuals and sequence sped up of the earthquake/tsunamis destruction is powerful. With no sound I feel like the it makes the visuals more powerful and shocking. The reason why I'm considering using this video for supposedly chapter 4 is because it is a great overview of the destruction caused from the earthquake and tsunami from CCTV cameras, which gives it a more realistic point of view to the amount of damage it caused and what happened to certain areas of Japan over time during and after the earthquake.


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