Monday 24 March 2014

Testing iBook (Chapter 3)

After testing chapter 2 I then went onto testing chapter 3 of my iBook at its current stage of development on the iPad. This chapter i tested is to do with people being safe from earthquakes where it contains information about common places of earthquakes as well as people who have to practice drills for earthquakes as well as buildings that can withstand earthquakes and also tips on before, during and after earthquakes and what do to.

Fig 1 (Chapter 3 - Section 1 common places for earthquakes)

Above in Fig 1 is a screen shot from the first section within chapter 3 which displays information about the common places of earthquakes. With extra information about Japan and California about the amount of earthquakes they get a year etc. I feel like this page has some decent and good information but I'm still unsure about the way I've displayed it, what i might do is just include the the map continents on screen and include information in the map. This would mean maybe downsizing the pop over images and giving more room for a couple more, for common places of earthquakes, and I feel like this would make the page more interesting.

Fig 2 (Chapter 3 - Section 2 practicing Drills)

Above in Fig 3 is a screen shot from the second section within chapter 3 which is practicing drills. This section kind of links in with the 1st section as places where are earthquakes are common has led people to practice drills all over the place especially in schools. This section has information about practicing drills as well as a video which shows a teacher talking to the children on what to do as well as seeing them practice for a drill which gives a good insight to how at a young age this is very beneficial. Testing this page it works fine and I will look at the text to see if I could simplify or downsize it to make this page slightly less intimidating.

Fig 3 (Chapter 3 - Section 3 Buildings that withstand earthquakes)

In the screen shot above (Fig 3) it presents the third section which is to with buildings that can withstand earthquakes. There is information which talks about buildings and how engineers and scientists have experimented over time etc. The video on the left is an example through the use of stacks of two lots of tables which represent two buildings and one with and another without earthquake proof construction. This is a good indication of what could happen to massive buildings if they haven't been earthquake proofed and the amount of difference it can make. I feel like on this page I have divided the text slightly which makes a big difference.

Fig 4 (Chapter 3 - Section 4 Tips for safety)

Above is a screen shot from the 4th section of chapter 3 which is to do with Tips for safety. In this section of the chapter it goes onto talking about its important to be safe and know what do do during an earthquake as if you don't it could lead to your life being taken or getting seriously injured. In this page it contains a cool little animated video, showing what to do and not to do in all sorts of situations during an earthquake, and I added a keynote asset on the bottom left, highlighting the, drop,cover, hold on method. On this page I like how everything is presented and I am pretty content with the layout and the amount of text on screen.

Fig 5,6 and 7 (Chapter 3 - Section 4 Tips for safety)

Above are three screen shots from the same section i.e. section 4 and these are on separate pages. These pages are to do with ''what you should do'' before, during and after an earthquake, in order to be fully aware when an earthquake occurs and be prepared. On the first page I laid out all of the text in different boxes with bullet points in order to divide and spread the text out and did that with the other two pages but included a pop over on the images which gives additional tips. However looking at it now has made me want to scrap the bullet point idea  and maybe just have a before, during and after pop over all on the same page to make it easier. I haven't decided what to do with these pages and when I was working on this I was more focused on just putting the content in, so I will be making some changes soon on this and a lot of other pages of my iBook.

Fig 8 (Chapter 3 - Section 4 Tips for safety) - Quiz

Finally when a user is done with this section they can take a quiz which contains 3 questions relating with Tips of being safe and 'what to do in a situation' questions. This adds a nice little interaction at the end of this section and helps to encourage the user to remember and think what to do and what tips there were for earthquakes.

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