Wednesday 12 March 2014

More Visual Mock up ideas

After spending some more time on illustrator I've come up with a few extra ideas for design and visual style for my topic of earthquakes. At first I hadn't really thought of what I could do with earthquakes as a topic when it came to the visual style, but I've experimented a few concepts and ideas.

Below is a similar example from another idea of mine but I first tried to create a slightly more realistic sink hole effect by using a mixture of images and effects to create it like this. This idea i really like but overall I think it could be hard to contain content on the pages within the actual sinkhole. I 'm still considering this overall concept.

Fig 1: sinkhole mock up ver - 2

Below are a couple examples of another new idea where I got inspiration from my previous post with the whole measuring earthquake blueprint idea. This helped me to develop the idea of blueprints and the idea of measuring earthquakes. The idea with this one is that the content would be laid out on either pieces of paper or from the measurement of the earthquake forming boxes. See Fig 3 and Fig 4. This idea could work really well and I have a few ideas of how it could visually end up looking and I think this idea is quite strong. 

Fig 2: Blueprint mock up

Fig 3: Blueprint mock up

Fig 4: Blueprint mock up

Finally i came up with another idea and the other concept i thought off was based off some graphics I made for keynote interaction which was for safety tips of DROP, COVER, HOLD ON. (See Fig 5). It has three graphics that tell you 1-3 steps what to do when an earthquake erupts.

Fig 5: Keynote DROP, COVER, HOLD ON interaction 

After looking back at it, it made me think I could create a visual style out of it and I then decided to do a mock up of what it could look like, by applying the colours, boarder,and skyline and ground etc and combining it all in one to see what the potential was for the concept.

Fig 6: Danger mock up

This concept is pretty interesting and I think I could create all sorts of page designs for a style like this, including a sink hole page or something with these colours from this visual style. In this concept I've played around with the skyline idea and also with the ground, adding crack effects to it making it look damaging and destructive and also making it a key focal point. I've also played around with the foreground and background adding different layers with the ground being in the fore ground and two different layers of buildings. 

The boarder around the style gives it a very claustrophobic feel and a very rough look to it, which kind of works with my topic of earthquakes, as when earthquakes erupt, being in buildings and even outside and not trying to get hurt can make people feel very caged in.

The colours are red and are because I want to give a sense of danger and red has that representation. The overall theme and visual style is somewhat minimalistic with the silhouette's etc and lack of graphic detail, but I feel like it works really well as I want the content to be the main focus but obviously the style of the iBook to work with the theme of the topic and I feel overall that this might be my strongest visual style yet.

Here are couple of structure ideas for the layout and different concepts within this visual style.
With the sink hole idea and the underground/skyline/tectonic plate theme. The colours are similar to one another and the overall visual style is pretty much the same and with the different variety of concepts in one visual style it'll make the overall iBook more visual dynamic and engaging (See Fig 7 and Fig 8).

Fig 7: Danger Mock up example 2

Fig 8: Danger Mock up example 3

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