Saturday 15 March 2014

Presentation and Feedback

Fig 1 - Wonders of Nature powerpoint presentation 

Above is my presentation that i used in order to show my process and idea thinking throughout the beginning of this project and what direction i wanted to head towards with my topic of earthquakes and i was thinking for the content within the topic and what type of visual ideas i have.

Before towards doing the pitch I didn't feel entirely confident as i felt like my presentation had too much content in it as well as looking slightly sloppy because of this. The visual styles i thought of i wasn't sure and was confused with the official style of the iBook even though I've done some visual research as well as looking at other existing iBooks.

Once I presented and talked through my structure and the interface and interactivity i thought of and the crazy amount of different ideas with visual styles i presented i then got feedback from the class. Mostly everyone said that my presentation had a lot of strong well thought out content and i presented well and clearly.

The teacher i presented in front of (Andrew) said that my presentation was really good and i had looked into a lot of visual style ideas. My reaction from the overally positive feedback from everyone but especially Andrew made me somewhat shocked and found it kind of humorous as i felt like i did have a good amount of content and ideas but was at a crossroad with ideas, i didn't know what style i wanted to go for and it was bothering me a lot.

Andrew and a lot of people said that i should just go with the style i feel mostly confident with, but that didn't really help me too much, so i had to consider what style i wanted to go for thinking and sketching some more based on a couple of my visual styles i liked that i could look into more.

Overall so far after this point I was happy with how well the presentation went but was still unsure of the visual style to go for. After thinking into it more and taking time outside of class to think I decided that i want to go for the 'danger (red) skyline' idea as the illustrations and flat shapes helps to create simplicity but at the same time is dramatic. The colours i'm most likely going to use for this visual style will be these colours below.

Fig 2 - Colour Scheme for Visual Style

As you can see above are the colours i took from the mock ups of my visual style to get an idea of what colours i'm most likely going to use. These reds/black/whites/ dark reds create a somewhat dangerous feel and concept, which is something i want to achieve with this style, as i want people to almost feel the danger of earthquakes from this style but also looking visually pleasing and simple with the use of flat imagery and UI.

At the moment i'm at the point where i'm creating the design and layouts for my iBook and thinking what will be going on certain pages and what designs within the style will be used for specific pages i.e. chapters/sections/pages etc. I'm feeling more optimistic about this project having decided what visual style i want to go for, for this iBook on earthquakes.

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