Friday 14 March 2014

More iBooks!

Another example of an iBook I was able to find was one relating to 'The World of Knowledge' and this iBook was a journey through it all with a lot of interesting knowledge about certain aspects. At this point I hadn't found that many inspiring iBooks and a lot of the ones i found or analysed weren't the greatest when it came to layout or  design. This one out of the three I found and analysed is probably the best when it comes to interface and layout as well as design of this iBook.

Below is a few screenshots from the iBook of 'Journey Through the World of Knowledge'.

Fig 1

In this screenshot above the information is placed at the side which is well placed but the text looks a bit less structured due to other interface getting in the way. There is a lot of focus on the imagery from the background which is a good thing and you can instantly tell what this section of the iBook its related to. There is the use of interface that you can click on which is contained in the different coloured circles which helps to bring the iBook to life and make it more interactive for the user.

Fig 2

Above in Fig 2 is a screenshot of the same page of the iBook but showing off some of the interactions from this buttons on the page. This is a great way to store information without the page looking to text heavy, so using pop outs from the interface is a great way to store extra content so people can interact with the interface and find extra information. I really like the style of the interface and boxes that contain the content along with there visual style and choice of imagery as well.

Fig 3

Above is another example of interactivity within the iBook which allows people to give feedback from these questions on how life would be like without wheels and other questions. I feel like this doesn't stay within the style of main interface of the iBook and the box to leave answers seems to been done in a lazy way instead of constructing the quiz in a better format. Though there is different interactivity content there it seems like there hasn't been much effort in making this interactivity more successful.

Fig 4 and Fig 5

Above is two examples from the same different page of an iBook, one demonstrating more interactivity and the other displaying the appearance of the layout and style of the page. This iBook uses a lot of pop out information which is great as it helps to develop usability of the iBook and helps to keep extra text hidden so its not overloaded on the main page. The style of this page is different from the last one as its a different topic within the iBook. However the use of different topics and creating different layouts from the imagery and text etc helps to keep the user interested as its not always the same layout of page design within the visual style.

Fig 6 and Fig 7

Above is another example of another section within this iBook and continues to use the same visual style throughout with the border. There is a use of different layout within the man part of text on screen as this time they contain the text within the circle, which works really well with the other clickable interface of the circular interface, so it blends in well with the overall style and theme. The use of the image on the right gives a sense of informal structure, which makes it feel more personal and like a scrap book. They continue to use interface that the user can click on and find extra information.

Fig 8

Finally above is another example from a different section which is about the topic of jeans. In this layout they've placed the text at the side with a transparent box to structure and contain this information. They also place a video relating to how jeans are made which is a cool addition of the user experience,  i.e. giving the user video and visuals to help emphaise the information. The use of the box which is sewed on adds to the theme within this page of sewing and jean making.

Overall there is a great consistent visual style which works really well. The layout and interface and the content has all been structured pretty well. The use of pop over information is a great way to contain extra information and improve the usability and interaction between the iBook and the user. However there should be slightly more different types of interaction to make it more enjoyable for the user and enhance their user experience.

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