Wednesday 26 March 2014

Crit and Feedback

The other day our class presented our iBooks so far to the rest of the class, even though many of them weren't finished. I was able to present mine and the majority of the content and progress for my iBook was nearly complete, just a few things that I needed to add and tweak but not much.

The reason why I was more prepared than others despite not having a Mac at home is because I came in during Friday and Monday to get more work done for my iBook as I was worried that I might not get the project finished in time. Having came in helped me to have about 80% of my iBook complete which i'm happy about.

When I critted to the class I went through basically all of my iBook discussing he content, chapters, sections etc and what interactions there were. After doing so I got some very positive feedback rom both the class and out teacher. Most people said they liked my visual style and it works well with my topic of earthquakes for this project.

A lot of people liked the way I laid out my content and how I had some good flat graphics for interactivity for the user when they use this iBook. The all admired ho much effort and work I put in as well as the overall iBook on a whole. I did get a few critiques, for example someone pointed out in a couple of my pages where there where clickable graphics some pages said 'click to get info' but other pages didn't. I understand that maybe the user might not initially think to click on the graphics if it doesn't say you can, so i'm going to add some text pointing this out that the user can click the graphics to get popover info.

Overall I was pleased with the positive feedback and how everyone liked my visual style and the way its presented through each of the pages. I originally thought some people might have said my work was to text heavy even though it there was only a few pages with a few blocks of text. At the moment I will continue to work on my iBook to improve it based on the feedback and make sure that my iBook is better than when I presented it to the class the other day.

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