Thursday 6 February 2014

Sound effects

Sound effects are very important to this project as it stated to emphasise sound through the actions that take place and use sound effects to help achieve this. With a lot of my sounds i raised the volume which  were my organic sounds that were from the shots themselves.

Some of the sounds that i needed i want into our Server and browsed through a lot of them and added a sound folder where i placed the sounds from the server. Because the server didn't have all the sounds i decided to look online for some royalty free sounds.

I fount this site which is called 'free SFX' and are all free sound effects that can be used but must be stated that they have been used from the website.

And found a bunch that i wanted to use. I then placed in these sounds and muted the original sound on some of the shots and placed in the sound effects i wanted to emphasise in certain shots which were non-diegetic, As shown below.

Basically i continued this process looking through all my shots and thinking about emphasising the sounds through the sound effects i found from both the college server and online as well, and trying to get the timing right as well as emphasising the sound to make it more dramatic.

Something i also did was added a sound effect throughout the sequence of ticks from a clock, now i haven't decided if i'm going to keep it in or not and have asked for advice but am still unsure. As its a great idea to give a sense of needing to hurry an time running out. However it might destroy the other emphasised sounds in the process so i'm still unsure if i'm going to keep this ongoing sound effect.

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