Monday 3 February 2014

Mise-en-scene (Setting/Props) & Camera type for Short Sharp Shock

With all of the development in this project with research and generating ideas as well as putting these ideas forth to the class in the form of the presentation i was now able to start filming for my idea.

Setting: Inside my House (Bedroom, Staircase in Hallway, Living Room)

My mise-en-scene for filming the setting is going to be set in my house, as its where me and my friends record our gameplay footage. The main shots will be my living room which is where we actually record as it contains the huge TV and my game consoles and living space to have friends sit freely and chill. The other shots will be in my hallway as well where i go up and down the stairs to go to my bedroom. My bedroom is another main part of the setting as it's where i have all my recording equipment in. So these three settings in my house will be where the main action happens.

And the activities in the film since its quick and is about preparing to record will contain be going back and forth from getting parts of my recording equipment, then going downstairs and setting it up then coming back upstairs and getting the next piece of equipment. So there's a lot of repetitive cycles in a sense.



There are a few props which will be used for this process of preparing recording equipment. Firstly my microphone which is a Blue Yeti Microphone and this is used for recording commentary audio and is what i use when recording with my friends to record our commentary whilst playing a game which we are recording. This prop will be used to take part of its original stand and then used to place and screw on to my better microphone stand.


Which brings me to my next prop which is the microphone stand and i usually use this for recording with my microphone as it helps to get the better audio from the mic and ends up sounding clearer as me and my friends when recording don't sit next to each other on one sofa we sit in different positions in the living room, so this microphone stand helps to capture all of our voices in better quality. So this prop in my sequence will be used to open up the legs of the stand and then placed on the floor which will lead into me placing the mic and the pop filter on it.


The other prop in my sequence is the pop filter. A pop filter is to reduce the about of fuzziness or popping or static that is in its environment and is used wit the mic. Placing the pop filter helps to give better quality to the mic audio which is a good thing and is what i use for recording with our audio from the mic. Now this prop will be used to screw in onto the mic stand and then to flip up in front of the mic as its how its assembled.


The other props include the microphone cable which is used to be attached to the microphone and then attached to the laptop so the microphone is connected ad can be recorded fro my laptop. Another cable which is used is the happauge HD PVR cable. This box is basically what is connected to the TV and games consoles to allow it to record the game video and game audio and is what i use to record the gameplay. The cable from it is to link it to the laptop so it can record the footage from the software installed on my laptop.


The final piece of props for the recording equipment is the laptop which i record the audio from the mic and record the gameplay from the consoles we play on. My laptop for this sequence will include me getting it from my desk draw and then placing it on the table and opening it up as well as connecting the mic cable and happauge cable into.

Camera type: Panasonic HDC-SD60


With this project, since my I Phone is a 3G it doesn't record in HD quality so i had to go to my next option which is my cam-corder which is a Panasonic HD-SD60 and it records in HD which is what we are expected for our video quality for our 15-20 second sequence. This cam-coder is easy to use and record, and when i used this for recording it was simple and easy to use and helped me get the shots that i wanted.

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