Wednesday 12 February 2014


Earlier today i presented my Short Sharp Shock sequence to the class, and gained a lot of positive feedback and a couple of comments that were critiquing certain points of  of my sequence in a very fair way.

When i came into class i was pretty content with my final edited version of the sequence and didn't feel like changes were needed, but after my crit of the sequence a few points were made which i considered.

My sequence:

Firstly the comments i received that were positive were that:

Good use of sound

Like the repetitive process (going up and down stairs)

Sound of the ticking works well, as it helps to emphasise time and needing to rush and the ticking getting gradually louder helps to build up the sequence and makes it more rushed and panicky.

Fast Shots worked well


Above are pretty much a lot of the feedback i was given from the class and my teacher who i presented it in front of. However i was given some critique from some of the class about timing for example:

They said that the shot of my phone with the text could've been shortened

Also i could have the tick in sync with the knock at the door

These two comments were really the only comments i received from the class and did debate about whilst we were discussing the comments. Firstly i argued that the phone shot was appropriate as some people are slow readers and for me personally i couldn't read the text quick enough that i would shorten it any more. The main problem is that the text could have been worded in simpler form, however i don't have enough time to shoot, edit and make the changes. Personally  think the text length is fine and contrasts with the beginning of the sequence with the speed and swift actions throughout.

Also the shot being longer with the text also gives a sense of a calm and relaxed atmosphere and a sense of equilibrium in contrast to the events after happening after getting the text which then causes disequilbrium as its an unstable and fast process that needs to be done before time runs out, so there's a sense of panic and haste in contrast with the introduction shots and text shot.

With the tick syncing with the knock at the door, i tired experimenting with it, and as good as that sounds when i came to trying it out it looked kind of odd and i liked how originally i had had the ticking progressing and then when it showed the time it had the last tick loud and wiping the face then the knock. I feel like it has the build up with this and then the tick being loud on the clock worked so i'm unsure with this idea about making the knock at the door in time with the tick because the knock at the door would over through the sound of the last tick, so i think it works fine but i will try and make the knock at the door sooner perhaps.

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