Monday 3 February 2014

My Idea (Preparation for Recording Equipment for Let's Play's)

After doing a lot of research into different types of video, like TV advertisements, film trailers and Youtube videos etc. Analysing the videos helped to look at the micro elements in a critical and analytic way, helping to give me inspiration of what types of shots i could use for my idea and how i could go about showing the process/journey of my idea.

When i started brainstorming i thought of a few ideas which related more to the journey side of what the brief was asking for, like ideas of journey to college, or a daily routine, or cleaning up the house or my bedroom. But then i came to think of a great idea which would work really well with this project where i'd feel confident in presenting 30 shots in the space of 15-20 seconds.

My idea is preparation for recording let's plays. Let's Play's are videos where people record gameplay footage of what game they are playing and have commentary over it, either live commentary or post commentary, where people then edit the videos together and upload them on Youtube. This is a hobby of mine that i really enjoy  and have been doing for over 2 years now and i record and do this Let's Play's with 3 other friends of mine, to make the recording footage more funnier, and entertaining, and we've enjoyed getting great feedback and viewers throughout the time we've been pursuing this hobby and i has only encouraged us to keep doing it.

So knowing a little bit about what Let's Play's are the preparation of recording process would include, getting equipment such as mic, mic stand, cables, laptop etc and then going downstairs and placing then in the living room and setting up the equipment. This includes placing the mic stand and screwing in pop filter and mic onto microphone stand as well as opening up laptop turning it on and plugging in the cables etc.

The the process would start with me looking at the equipment in my room and then grab one piece of equipment an go downstairs and set it up in living room, then going back upstairs and grabbing another piece of equipment and so on and then plugging in the cables to from mic into laptop and happauge recorder cable and plugging it into the laptop then it would end with me looking at the time and hearing  a knock at the door, (knowing that its my friends here to record)

So this basically the main concept idea i have and think its a great way to show my process of setting up the equipment for recording Let's Plays. I will most likely be using a range of shots and a lot of them will be close ups or mid close ups, as well as some POV shots and other types of shots, but i'll experiment with shots to see what looks best.

Also i'm considering in creating a beat or rhythm within the video rom the emphasis of sound effects from the going upstairs/downstairs, screwing in things, placing things down, plugging in things etc, but it'll be something i'll consider and potentially experiment with when editing it all together, but  i haven't made a final decision if i want to do this idea of creating a rhythm from the sound effects, but i guess we'll see.

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