Friday 7 February 2014

Shooted Shots for Intro

The other day in a previous post i stated that i was thinking of using an intro to my short sharp shot sequence and one of my teachers suggesting setting the scene in the intro by showing a text from a friend saying him and my other friends were on their way to come round mine and record. I really liked this concept as it helps to establish the setting and what the sequence actually will be and explains rushing through my house setting the recording equipment in my living room before they get to my house.

So what i decided to do today was to shoot these shots i was thinking of using for my intro and to establish my i needed to rush to set up the recording equipment i.e. the text message. I shot a number of different shots as i didn't know fully what i wanted for the opening.

After shooting a number of shots in different angles i then realized since its 3 seconds of an intro that we are limited to, that i couldn't make it too complex with a bunch of shots in this introduction. So i had to decide what shots would work within the 3 seconds and i came to decide the shots below were the ones i'm most certain i'll be using in the introduction.

I felt that out of the bunch of shots i recorded that these particular shots work well to set the scene within a 3 second time limit as the introduction. The first shot helps to establish its sunny outside and i was thinking of using bird  noises to give the feel of peace. Afterwards using a sound from my mobile of it vibrating or beeping, to suggest i got a text with it leading to the next shot where i look what text i got. Then having a closeup of my mobile phone with the text, so the audience can read it and understand what's going on and making more sense when it leads into the fast paced shots of setting up the equipment.

Now all i need to experiment with is the typography i going to use and where i'm going to place the text in the shot. I will most likely use subtle type and place it in different positions. For example in the first shot of the opening i'll most likely place it in centre and then in the following shot will place it at the side along with the shot after that so the main focus is the text but still an introduction of my sequence. But i will experiment with text and placement of it and make a post of it.

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