Wednesday 11 June 2014


I've added alt (alternative) tags to all of my images so if in any case the images can't be viewed on the website for whatever reason then there will be a description of the image in this tag. So i've gone through nearly all of my alt tags and done this towards all the visible content of the images that display on screen on all of my pages, helping to make the site more accessible.

Here's an example below:

As for colour scheme i use a lot of contrasting colours and have made sure that none of the colours clash or make the text or content unreadable or unable to view properly, so below is a couple examples of my homepage, chapter page, and a section page.

As you can tell by this, a lot of the colours don't class and i've made sure of that and that it wouldn't be an issue for the user, so i've experimented in the past with colours for images etc on the site so that i would fully be able to tell what did and didn't work for the website, making sure everything would be fine for the user and to access.

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