Wednesday 4 June 2014

Adding extra navigation into section pages

Something I realised when i was working on my website and going through page to page and viewing it in the browser is how inconvenient it was to get through the site easier by being able to go from section to section or go back to the chapter page. I decided that if i added extra navigation at the bottom of the section pages it would make it easier for the user to get through the site and from page to page etc.

I decided that the navigation i would add would be at the bottom as it would make it easier to place because adding it at the top would make the page look messy and take away from the pages main focus, as i wanted to add big arrows with the text like 'go to' blah blah. So i felt adding it at the top wouldn't do my website justice so i decided to add them in on the bottom of the section pages.

As for the idea, i wanted to make these navigation boxes like arrows for a couple of reasons, one of them being because the user could know they are either going back or forward on the website, secondly because i've used arrows a lot on my website and its a theme throughout my website.

(Its a little bit messy on some of my illustrator documents, i know haha...)

I created the graphics in illustrator of the arrows and i made two of tach arrow as i wanted to do an image swap on the arrows, one of them being the normal arrow not hovered over and another either shifted a  bit from the left or the right depending on the arrow. I wanted to do this so when the user hovered over one of the arrows it would move either to the left or right so it creates more movement and interactivity to the website and giving the user a better experience.

Something i also did is i added different colours to the chapter names and section names so the user could tell if they were clicking on a chapter page or a section page. I made the chapter name colours white and the section name colours red.

I feel that having these arrow navigations to go either back to the chapter page or go from section to section or the next chapter is a good way to make it easier for the user to navigate through the site and have a better experience in total.

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