Wednesday 4 June 2014

Fixed Home Navigation

Something i decided to do to my home navigation button is to make it fixed to the screen so when the user scrolls down the home button will stay fixed to the page and will scroll down with it. This will help to make it easier on the user so they don't have to scroll all the way to the top of the page click to go home.

Also having it attached to the top of the page will allow the user to have easy access to go home, and i applied this to the chapter and section pages, i isn't bother with the homepage as it isn't a large or long page so theres no point it making it attached to the top of the page on the homepage.

The code i added within the css was this, and using the 'z-index' allows the home button to stack above all the other elements, this means that the home button will always be above and on top of other elements and objects on the site.

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