Friday 1 November 2013

Update: Working on Poster

I thought it would be a good idea to make an update to my progress and where I'm at in the project.

After having presented my ideas to the class and justifying why I'd use them in my final poster design, we began to start producing our posters. At the time before half term i was beginning to produce my assets i.e. the key graphical image and the female graphic etc and by the end of the week i had briefly worked on them to make them look visually attractive but mostly unfinished.

At this point of time currently I've made my assets to a high standard and I'm very happy with the way they look. I've also made the layout, added typography, pretty much everything and finishing off the poster with small little tweaks hoping it'll be fully finished by next week when we have to crit.

I'll go more into detail about the process and what steps i took in the next post mostly, then make a separate post afterwards about the techniques i used and found helpful to produce my final design of the science poster.

But this was a little update to what I'm currently up to in the progress of the poster, so I'll post more soon. But for now bye!.

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