Monday 11 November 2013

Next Assignment! Book Cover and the Response to the Brief

After producing a poster for the science department which incorporates steampunk and helps promote science to females, we were then given our next assignment which is designing a Book Cover.

We have to make a Book cover for either two books which are The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton or What a Carve up! by Jonathan Coe. Along this we have to make a poster based off the design of the cover for promoting purposes. So this project will most likely be a bit more challenging since to get a grasp of whatever book we choose to make a design for we will have to read it which help gain a grasp of the book and potentially help influence our design ideas.

The brief is also a competition brief on the penguin design award website where there other people as well will be doing exactly what our class is doing and at the end of it will be submitting our designs to them with a chance of winning and getting a prize. This is really cool that our next assignment we are going to be working on next is a competition brief and its a great opportunity to get recognised by a company that'll look at our designs.

"Following the requirements of the competition brief you should aim to design a striking cover design that is well executed, has an imaginative concept, an original interpretation of the brief, a strong use of typography and clearly places the book for its market. While all elements of the jacket need to work together as a cohesive whole, remember that the front cover must be effective on its own and be 
eye-catching within a crowded bookshop setting and on screen for digital retailers such as Amazon.

You should go through a thorough, continuous process of research and experimental preparatory work before settling on a final image this process should be evidenced in your sketchbooks and your blog."

Above is a part of the brief we were given from our teachers and this helps to gain an understanding our what we need our designed book covers to look like which does help a lot. There is more detail to the brief specifically on each of the books, however since we can only choose one i and haven't chose which one do do yet i won't bother discussing the individual brief yet and will most likely do when i have chose which one i will design my book cover for.

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