Wednesday 20 November 2013

1950's - 1960's Graphic Design Inspiration

I thought it would be a good idea to look into the different graphic styles and imagery which relates to the time The Outsiders was set which was the 1960's. So i looked from 1950's - 1960's inspired art work and graphic styles which related to that time or was themed around it. So below is a collage of graphics/art inspired around the 1960's.

There are a lot of different styles that I've found and collated together above to help give me some inspiration and help me to think of ideas and broaden my idea for my book cover design style. Some of these look similarly to The Outsiders like the guy on the motorcycle or the other guy standing. Both of those have a pop art style to them which does give that modern/1950-1960 feel to it, especially the guy on the motorcycle as he looks like a greaser. So potentially i could go for a pop art style and linking it with the imagery and type and make it look bold and simplistic through colour palette but looking effective and relating to the story.

The one right at the top kinda looks something from the 60's as if you'd see it on a car or something, and it made me think of a mustang from the book and ended up finding a mustang image. In the 60's diners were quite popular and found one designed up fitting that time period and the style and colours collated together give it that vintage feel. I also found 'mad men' posters which also look visually appealing and caught my eye there isn't too much detail in a lot of it through face or body, its styled that way to look simplistic so it helped me think that if i chose to add characters in my cover i could go for a simple look rather than over detailed cover as it is trying to appeal to teens and i don't want the cover i design to be overwhelming with detail.

The typography on the right has a scruffy, yet cool and interesting look about it, the use of different fonts makes it look quirky and to me it looks like something from the 60's and the type could go well with the cover of this book. The style kinda makes me think of a circus/movie poster or something with just type. The type has an American look about it and what it actually says is 'the harder you work the luckier you get' which the chosen words did make me think of the book because ponyboy later in the book was being lazy and not working hard in school then started getting back into the grove and working hard after all he had been through, so in that sense it makes me think of the book.

The other two images i haven't talked about (the man in the office, the images collated in one) both have a look about them which resembles America and the 1960's. The colours use a creams which seems to be popular, it kind of gives it that vintage feel to it by using that colour. The use of the range of images collated looks like tattoo's which can be related with teenagers and rebellion. I really like the use of the light from the blinds shinning through on the mans clothes and it adds to the image on a whole and looks very American 60's.

Images -

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