Wednesday 6 November 2013

My final Science Poster Design

Above is my final design of my science poster after having made changes from the critique i received from the class when i presented it.

So the changes made were bringing more of a fade up at the bottom of the poster where if fades the rest of her body.  This does look a lot nicer and helps to bring out the bottom text of the poster and looks a lot neater.

Another change i made was the colour of the females shirt, most people thought I should use the colour from the 'science' type and implement the colour somewhere else like her shirt. I do think it works and helps to bring the image out more.

I also changed the colour from the 'key' to a bolder red so it stands out a whole lot more.

Another small change i made was enlarging the bottom text to bring it out a lot more and make it more readable.

Finally the other change i made was reshaping and re drawing the females hand so it looks more realistic from the point of view of her hand out, now it looks a lot realistic from that angle.

Overall i love my final design and think it has a good amount of steampunk with the assets like the key itself, the gears and goggles etc that i made myself. I believe that it would appeal to girls from 16 - 18 since the main character in the poster is a female and the colours work well together which help to relate to steampunk. The use of the lab coat, beaker she's holding and the patterns in the background all combined help to making it focus on A level science and promoting it mainly to a female audience from 16 - 18, and i'm very happy with the final outcome.

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