Wednesday 26 March 2014

Some Changes

With the crit of our iBooks coming up there were a few pages I was unsure with, with the appearance and I wanted to make these changes before I presented to the class my iBook in its current stage as I knew people would comment on the pages that weren't as visually engaging or looked slightly messy.

The pages I wasn't happy with within Chapter 3: Being safe in Section 4: Before/During/After. The reason why I didn't like the look of it was because the bullet points looked messy and spread out in a unstructured way. 

Fig 1 and 2 (Chapter 3 Section 4 - Before/During/After)

What I wanted to do was make it look more organised and less sloppy so I decided to store the information of 'Before 'During' and 'After' in a large popover which gives you information what to do. I felt this way was a lot more visually pleasing in the layout and was more interactive for the user. 

Fig 3, 4, 5 (Chapter 3 Section 4 - Before/During/After)

For the boxes I created them in illustrator and gave 'During' and 'After' boxes a crack effect to represent the damage from the earthquake and I think it helps to define the boxes really well. 

Fig 6 and 7 (Chapter 3 Section 4 - Before/During/After) - Supplies needed

Something That I also added was a page which presents the supplies that are needed for an earthquake. These graphics I made in Illustrator and all are pop overs which gives some information about why they are needed for an earthquake. The layout of this page is simple but effective and gives a good use of interactivity to the user, where they can find out information on what supplies are needed.

Fig 8 (Chapter 3 Section 1 - Common places)

Originally I just had a block of text and some pop over graphics of continents that have earthquakes on a regular basis. After testing it on the iPad I thought of the idea of mainly have a bunch on continents that are pop overs that give information on the earthquake rate there. I decided to choose a couple with a background under the continent in order for it to stand out more and fit with my theme of my iBook. I did add a scrolling information box which summarises what places are common with earthquake encounters.

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