Monday 10 March 2014

Interaction - Ideas

With this project it is important to include interactivity between the user and the content and interface of the iBook that we have to create, in order for them to gain the best user experience from this digital artefact.

I've been brainstorming many ideas for interactive content that i could include in my iBook for earthquakes and there are some ideas below:


For our iBook we are able to enable interactive slideshow presentations and can make them into video and place them in and use a variety of transitions etc. My idea was that i got use this to take advantage of interactivity by using things like images and having them transition between each one. For example I was thinking of creating some images in illustrator of the steps for being safe from an earthquake, something relating to the image below, but in a sequence for users to click on to the next thing to see what to do.

I feel like these aspects of interactivity would be engaging and interesting to view and interact with whilst reading the iBook. I am planning on probably creating a variety of different illustrator graphics for some interactivity for things like Keynote, videos etc. In order for the user to get more of a visual representation on certain topics in the field of earthquakes.


Videos are a great visual representation and will help to engage the user and it being enabled in the iBook will give the option to choose to watch the video or stop and start it whenever they please. Also videos will help to emphasise my point within certain points of the iBook. I'm thinking of creating a video from some graphics of what NOT o do using an earthquake, i.e. standing still doing nothing and using this idea by using a person standing and have an object fall on them and knock them out. I want to do this in a slightly humorous way so people get entertainment out of it and it makes it obvious what the result can be if your'e not safe during an earthquake. This idea is just one out of many, and i plan on adding videos from youtube, vimeo probably to help emphasise my point and give more of an insight of earthquakes and what can happen during one etc.


I'm  planning on using some quizzes for my iBook where people can drag and drop answers in the correct places. For example after discussing about the worlds tectonic plate system maybe have a quiz on what are the specific plates and have them drag the answer to the correct place. This will help them understand more thoroughly what plates within the earth there are and which ones are which. I was also thinking of using a quiz for tips to be safe so people understand what to do in the situation of an earthquake and can remember this process or what to do before,during, and after an earthquake.

Touch interaction

I was thinking it would be cool to use touch interaction for this iBook when it comes to certain things like diagrams etc. Because this is for the iPad its supposed to be touch screen compatible but using some diagrams with interactivity through touch could be an interesting concept and could help improve someones use and understanding of the topic, getting them more involved and interacting with the iBook, thus leading to a better user experience. I've got may ideas for this concept but am unsure how to approach something like this as i don't know how this will work or how it will end up so i'l have to discuss and consult my teachers about this concept in my iBook.

Some one the ideas I had for this was to let the user to be able to touch a diagram of a graphic drawn city or building and be able to tap it constantly to create movement within the areas, as if they are the person controlling the earthquake. Also maybe the more intense they tap it the further destruction, which could give an idea for the different types of magnitudes within earthquakes, giving people a better insight for the higher the magnitude the higher the damages and ripple effects it causes.

I was thinking of adding another idea with touch for the tectonic plates where someone can move and rub the plates together and be able to cause an earthquake from the plates but having them strain against each other i.e. moving a plate against the other creating friction and stress energy and then releasing a suddenly slip which causes the earthquake. I've got a bunch of these interactive ideas in my sketchbook which i've drawn out that visually represent what i've been thinking and planning for interaction within the iBook i'll end up creating.


I'm planning on using a couple of galleries where users can click on the images and skin through some shocking images of earthquakes. In the Japan 2011 earthquake chapter i'm thinking of adding a before and after of the improvements after the earthquake. So what the damage looked like just after the earthquake and then 11 months later, so people can see how they were able to re construct areas of Japan.

Here are a couple examples i'm thinking of using for the gallery in this part and section of the iBook.

Link to images: 


I'm also thinking of having images that are interactive and can be clicked on in which the image zooms in and provides some information. One example of this concept could be having a world map and  showing the tectonic plates placed around the earth and being able to click and zoom in on specific plates and find out what they are called.

To conclude this post i've got a variety of different ideas for interactions and i look forward explaining them to the class when i present and developing some of them for my iBook.

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