Sunday 9 March 2014

Research (Chapter 1)

I did a ton of research over the past week in order to build up my content for the iBook on earthquakes. For chapter one i did more of the basic research as it was more about what earthquakes are and the outcomes.

To find out what earthquakes were I already have basic knowledge to know what they are and how they are caused but decided just to research it fully so i had a grasp of what exactly to talk about.

I went on these two sites to help fully help me gather up information about earthquakes in general. This information contained a lot of good content about what earthquakes are and what they are caused by. I was even able to find out content on how earthquakes are measured which i could add for my other chapter that covered that.

After gathering information from those sites and putting a lot of what I red into my own words I then went onto researching tectonic plates and what they are, which was  for one of my sections within the 1st chapter.Below is the link to the site where I was able to find content on tectonic plates. This not only described fully what tectonic plates are but also going into detail about the thickness and in the plates and comparing some plates to others. The site also talks about how tectonic plates are what have caused our continents to reshape.

All of this content is very helpful and helped me to gain further knowledge of tectonic plates and all the different types as well as how thick they are.

Above is an image I found to be quite useful and potentially might use it as a diagram in my final iBook. This presents all of the different tectonic plates across the world and gives information on what types of plates there are, how many there is and how they are structured in the earth on the world map.

Below is the link to the image 

When i was doing research on the outcomes of earthquakes i came across a site which discussed the primary and secondary effects of earthquakes. This information is what made me find out that there are two different types of effects, primary being deaths,buildings collapsing and general destruction. But also secondary effects which are things like fires, tsunami's, landslides, aftershocks and some of these like aftershocks and landslides i didn't even though what they were. This site helped me to gain a understanding of the two different categories of the effects of earthquakes. Secondary being more to do with the ripple effect of earthquakes which cause further destruction and Primary being main causes of earthquakes.

Despite the site helping me understand a lot of other effects of earthquakes, some of it was quite brief  with the topics of tsunami's, landslides and aftershocks so i decided to look up in more detail these topics on other sites.

Link to landslide sites:

Above are a couple of extra sites where looked for more content on landslides to get a better understanding fully of what they are and what impacts they have and the fact that not only earthquakes but heavy rain can cause them as well as sink holes etc. After reading and seeing a couple of images on landslides it kind of makes me scared about things like sink holes and the fact that parts of weak rock out of the blue can just collapse. This makes people realise the other secondary effects earthquakes have and how bad and damaging these can be.

Link to aftershock site:

This site is the same site where i found what earthquakes are and how they are caused. This site also had extra information of what aftershocks are and how they are caused. I honestly forgot what aftershocks are and this site helped to refresh my memory from being in school in Geography of what aftershocks are and how long they can occur and how damaging they can be.

Link to Tsunami sites:

Above are a couple of links to videos of what tsunamis are. I originally looked at a few sites with information on tsunami's and how they are caused from earthquakes but i was struggling to process the information and how i could translate it in my own words so i could understand it. I decided to keep researching and found a couple of videos with people verbally explaining and presenting how tsunami's are caused by earthquakes. This helped me to process the content on tsunami's in  a better and more productive and interactive way by listening to people explaining it to me. I was then able to write in my own words based off what they said. I might use of one these videos to add in my iBook to give a good example of how tsunami's are caused.

This was a lot of the research i did  for Chapter one and this helped me gather a lot of good content of research and be able to understand what certain things relating to earthquakes are and the effects of earthquakes have and its made me realise how dangerous and how earthquakes can cause so many bad outcomes not only by deaths and the primary destruction but some impacting secondary effects which can lead to a wider range of destruction. Its heartbreaking and its helped me understand how people must feel being in some areas where earthquakes are common.  

This content has helped me to be able to form some very interesting knowledge about eartthquakes not only for the iBook but also more me on a personal level. Its nice to research things like these and find out the more about earthquakes and how they work and damages and impacts they have on not only the environments but people.

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