Wednesday 5 March 2014

My Topic - Earthquakes

Once our class had found out about this new project by our teachers with them explaining what the main outcomes were they then had all of the names of the topics of nature in an envelop and we had to pick one out at random. Our teachers did say if there were any leftover topics or if we wanted to trade topics we could.

When i got my lucky dip pick i ended up getting 'Grasslands and Plains. This topic is to do with different types of grass in different lands and the sound of this topic didn''t excite me in the slightest so i checked the envelop when everyone got their choices and looked for leftovers and found 'Earthquakes'. Now this topic i felt had a lot going on for it and was a lot more engaging than the other topic i was given so i felt a lot more comfortable and confident with the topic of 'Earthquakes'.

With earthquakes there is so much to talk about and many directions i could go in and a variety of different topics within earthquakes i could go in depth with. I began brainstorming a lot of ideas on  topics with earthquakes that i could consider having in my iBook. I ended up coming up with these:

What are Earthquakes
How are they caused
Tectonic Plates
Richter Scale
How earthquakes are measured
People's Experiences
Tips for being safe before,during and after earthquakes
Outcomes of earthquakes
How to build structures to withstand earthquakes
Popular places for earthquakes
Famous Earthquakes
Practising drills
Ripple effects of Earthquakes

These above were the main ideas that popped into my mind when i was thinking of what to discuss about earthquakes and aspects related to earthquakes. Because we only are allowed to to 4 chapters within this iBook i had to re consider the essential sub topics within the main topic of earthquakes that need the most attention.

Above is the structure I'm thinking of using as it contains a lot of the main content about earthquakes along with some good information about a specific famous earthquake which i decided to choose the earthquake in Japan 2011 as it was a quite recent destructive earthquake. Along with that and the basic information about earthquakes like tectonic plates and the effects and how they are unpredictable and how they are measured, there is some good information i want to contain about being safe before,during and after earthquakes so people know what to do in the situation if they are in an earthquake prone area.

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