Thursday 30 January 2014

Go Pro Analysing (Part 3)

GoPro: HERO3+ Black Edition: Smaller, lighter, mightier still.

Link to video:

Ending Sequence (4:08-4:34)

After looking at a couple of sequences from the GO Pro video and analysing the shot types, along with the meaning and movement from the camera etc. along with the analysing the intro i decided to take it up on myself to analyse the ending of the video as its very interesting use of shots and creates a great ending with some good cinematography techniques.

Shot 1:

This is the first shot within the ending sequence, and is when the music begins to get very hasty and rapid, to build up an atmosphere and concluding a great ending with a large impacting ending. 

In this shot itself is a birds eye view shot and has the person making an angel in the snow, and as they do this the camera slowly zooms out. One thing about this shot is its has the same skier we saw in a earlier part of the video, so the ending sequence is building up the ending by wrapping up everything we've seen from cold to hot environments, and starts with the cold environment and of the skier we saw earlier.

This way as its ending gives off the feeling that these people are at the end of the adventure or journey, as they are playfully playing in the snow relaxing and having fun. Also something to note is the person's color of the jacket and the fact they are in the middle of the screen makes them eye catching and the main focal point of the shot.

Shot 2:

This  next shot is from the woman who was rock climbing in an earlier part of the video, and is contrasting to the previous shot where it was set in a cold setting and now this one is in a very bricky, rock, hot environment which is a huge contrast from a snow environment. The shot is a large wide, long shot which is done to portray the amazing view and beauty of this environment, and the high angle helps to emphasise this as well as the largeness of the area with the rocks etc.

The shot pans more to the left in a circular motion making the woman with her hand out one of the main focal points. This helps to create a powerful atmosphere and a sense of accomplishment as she has gotten to the top of the cliff after rock climbing all the way up there.

Shot 3:

This shot is of a man and a female lion running towards the camera, and i would assume that the environment is set in Africa, with the sun slowly setting. The setting is very clam and a very relaxing environment with open fields and trees in the distance and along with clouds in the sky and the sun setting, which gives a relaxing and clam atmosphere to this shot.

The shot is a wide long shot of the environment and the man and female lion walking towards the camera, with the camera tracking out backwards, to make it obvious they are following the camera. This shot displays both human and animals with the lion and man in the shot, almost showing that animal and man can be friends and only when animals are hungry like lions will they attack, so this shot makes it obvious that the lion is harmless and has eaten, which gives a more calmer feeling towards the shot because usually you'd see in a place like this the lion ripping the man to shreds, but because the lion isn't focusing on the guy in the background we can tell the atmosphere is fine and not tense

Shot 4:

In this shot it has another skier about to take on the hills. We can tell its someone different as they have a different coloured jacket, so this makes it obvious that its someone different. And because of the shot which is a high angled birds eye view shot, we can tell that this person hasn't skied down the hill as we can see him on the top of the  hills and the drop of the snowy hill making it obvious this person hasn't yet. The use of this type of shot makes the hill look more intimidating, and scary as if this person is just about try to conker this activity or might be scared to take a risk. In contrast to the other skier who was in the snow relaxing after having skied down the hill.

Shot 5:

Within this shot is an ape relaxing in the shade of leaves and the ape gazing at the camera. This shot type is a mid shot of these apes from the leaves and is at a slight high angle which is done to give a type of POV shot as if we are kneeling down and moving the leaves to gaze at these beautiful creates, so we feel like we're the ones in the video and exploring nature in this shot, which makes the audience watching feel immersed within this amazing video. 

The use of leaves and apes relaxing, emphasises not just the environment of a jungle but nature in general and makes the shot that much more love able with these cute lovely apes, and gazing into the camera which breaks the 4th wall and makes it seem like this ape is looking directly at us, as if we are the ones actually filming and using this camera and filming these amazing creatures.

Shot 6:

This shot is a mid shot of a boy holding the camera whilst riding something, and potentially losing his balance with the look on his face as he's trying to hold the camera. Also since we see a ship in the background and with him making that face along with the camera movement it gives the impression he jumped from the roof of the ship and is diving in to the sea which i why  this boy is making a face like this.

This shot also represents innocence with this child in the shot and gives the impression that anyone at any age can have a blast and have their own adventure, even at any age young or old.

Shot 7:

The 7th shot uses a high angle shot which is also a close up of a part of the lions face and the man in the background lying down beside the lion. With this shot again it makes it feel as if we are filming this shot as its a POV shot as well and has the addition of the lion gazing with its one eye at the camera as if we are filming and its looking at us, which is a great way to involve viewers in watching this video, as we feel apart of it and almost like we are filming all of this content and we own this type of camera.

It helps to give a good overview of how good this camera is as well with jaw droppingly amazing shots and sites from all sorts of environments and including POV shots help to immerse the viewers into this video and as if we are apart of all these journeys and wear filming it all which is a great way to promote this camera that the channel uses.

Shot 8:

This is the final shot above from the video and display's their channel name and uses their slogan which is 'Be a hero' and  also displays camera they use for filming their content on their channel. The typography is very modern and blocky and gives the sense of a futuristic look, which might suggest this is the future to filming with a camera like this. The colour of the text is white to stand out and contrast with the black background so its readable and legible. The use of the camera gives people the idea of what camera they use.

The slogan 'Be a Hero' is the type of camera they use to film which links in with the image of the camera they use and gives a sense of epicness with a slogan like this as if we could be a hero with a type of film camera like this and film fascinating sites and views and adventures like the ones they film.

Overall this whole video had a great amount of content, very great quality filming which was due to this amazing camera and the mise-en-scene choice of environments and it did the camera justice, proving this camera is so great with great depth and views from different environments which feel like millions of adventures collated into one video, which is why this video is so inspiring.

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