Friday 17 January 2014

Analysing Adverts Example No.2 (Royal Caribbean TV Ad)

After looking at the Battlefield advert and analysing it i then found a TV advert i have seen constantly on televison and thought it would be a good idea to analyse it, so i looked up on youtube for the advert and found it.

Royal Caribbean TV AD

Sunway Travel Group / Royal Caribbean WOW TV Advert

Link to Ad:

This advert is about going abroad to the Caribbean and its basically trying to promote the idea by showing the pros of doing it, and giving an overview of the ''experience'' with things like, beautiful sites, entertainment, foreign food, parties, etc and it does this by using a selection of videos and image and combining them together in sync with the beat of the song to create good edits and make the concept of what they are promoting a very attractive holiday abroad.


After having gone through the ad a couple of times i was able to count the number of edits within the advert and its 34 edits within a 30 second time limit, so similarly to the last ad i analysed slightly over 1 edit per second, and when you do think about it it seems like a lot, but edits are needed and if you are editing along a tune of some sort, if it edits as the beat goes by and works well it creates more interest to the audience and makes the advert look professional and well edited.

Unlike the last ad it isn't really fast to the extent its trying to create a action or suspenseful advert, as its about holiday to the Caribbean its about the positives and pros and giving the reasons why people should go on the holiday, and they do this by using an edit to show specific pros of the experience. Giving more to the viewer and making them to consider it more and giving them the options etc.

Overall the edits used are done to good effect and use a range of stills and videos within each shot to convey the experience and the pros of holiday that the company are promoting.


Camera Movement

There isn't much camera movement within the advert and is really only still shots of either video or still imagery, however there is a tilt/pan and a zoom shot of the ferry and the camera tilt/pan and zooming to the sea with the sunset. This is done to great effect with great visuals, and beautiful views making the advert look more and more like a dream holiday.


The lighting throughout is generally bright and in a sunny and clear blue sky setting so the lighting is overall bright, but does use certain clips of night time and doesn't use much lighting apart from the setting its in, i.e. the fireworks clip uses the lighting from the fire works to create brightness. Overall its generally bright and day time within a lot of the compilation of clips and stills which form the advert.


The composition is centered with the 'wow' in the middle of the screen from both the type and the footage, which is done to make it the main focal point of the advert and to catch attention to the viewer and the form of the word 'wow' using the 'w's and the footage which fills in that missing gap of the 'o'.

Shot types

There are many shots and do use a lot of different shots, occasionally its either a mid close up, a mid shot, or a long shot and does occasionally use a high or low angled shot, and is done to perfectly place the video centre so whatever is in it forms the 'o' in the 'wow' and is composed in the right place so every shot gives this feeling.


The main mise-en-scene that can be applied is the setting, this advert contains a lot of different settings, i.e. sea, at festivals, cruise, etc so its hard to define one but most of the time its where there's water, to emphasise the cruise and luxury feel and gives a serene atmosphere to the holiday as if you will get peace, relaxation add beautiful weather.


Usually you might see type used a lot within adverts, however this one doesn't as much, and i think the companies main outcome was to make the visuals the main focus and eye drawer which is a good way to create an advert, however the text which is used is throughout the advert with the letters 'W' at the side and in the middle the visuals filling the missing  'O' which spell out 'WOW' this is done to emphaise the wow factor from the visuals and the experience of this holiday. The typeface is a san serif and is quite basic and bold with the use of white, but doesn't make it look messy or over the top and  a gestalt technique has been used here which is proximity, which is where singular elements are placed close together as if they are one group. So with this example you have two 'w''s and in the middle a visual shaping a circle so we see it as one thing.

Another gestalt principle could be placed o this which is closure too, this is because its our mind filling the gaps between the 'w''s and we are using the middle visual to fill it in for us to give us the word which is 'wow' which is a clever technique used within the advert and is what makes it unique and interesting and well executed.

With the type of the company its a serif and san serif text making it both formal with the words 'Royal Caribbean' as if you are treated like royalty and making it seem its a 5 star holiday and a must for relaxing and for a holiday or a trip abroad.


There is a mixture of colour from both the video and still imagery which is presented in the advert. Firstly the type of the 'w's is white making it bold and stand out to emphaise the 'wow' factor of this advert and a holiday to the Caribbean. The colour from the imagery and video is always different which creates a fresh and new feel and isn't too boring and repetitive, however there are a lot of bold colours shown to make them eye catching some contrasting from the background to create a bolder effect and focal points at certain parts of the advert.


The sound used within the advert is just a soundtrack which is a couple of instruments playing. The way i'd describe the music is quite a funky fresh up beat type of sound from instruments playing and has that holiday vibe about it and works really well and the editing of the video and sound works really well and is time to great effect and makes the advert that whole much better and interesting.


With the transitions they are all just straight cut edits, which works well as it goes with the beat of the song and doesn't make it look cheesy with an overdose of effects and uses natural timing within video and sound to create an effective advert with just straight cut editing and that's what makes you good at editing, not using transitions to make you look good, but to use raw editing and cuts within timing and the pace of the song and match according to the video is what makes you a good editor in my book anyway.


Again the pacing isn't too fast, but isn't too slow, the music kind of stop and starts and pauses at times throughout then has a burst of beats, so it makes it more sudden and less predictable when it comes to timing of the song, as its quite irregular when it comes to a regular pace, so the way its edited helps to support this issue making it more engaging and funky of a advert.

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