Saturday 18 January 2014

Analysing Adverts Example No.3 ( TV Ad)

In December there's always those typical Christmas adverts, if its either to do with furniture or Christmas presents etc. But over the Christmas there was an advert that got stuck the back of my ind and this was an advert from ''. Now when i first saw the advert i had heard of the company but didn't specifically know what they sell, so i decided to look it up and apparently they sell the generic kind of things like, toys, jewellery, electronics, clothes etc, so it gave me a better idea on what the advert was trying to promote after finding the advert and analysing it.

Here's their website:

One TV advert 'I've seen just last year (2013) in December Christmas TV AD

isme Christmas 2013 TV Ad

Link to Advert:

A summary of this advert is its a Christmas advert from 'isme' and it is promoting their products by presenting how to have a great Christmas and uses similar words ending in 'ation' to create a repetitive them throughout. For example Carol Vorderman who is in the advert uses words like ''Christmas preparation'' ''presentation'' ''illmination'' etc to create a similar pattern throughout the advert, to give it more of an interest and theme to the whole ad. But its overall a typical advert which promotes Christmas by convincing people to but their products to create the best Christmas.

The reason why i picked out this advert to analyse is not only because it's one i clearly remember but i like the way it presents the advert and does it in a different way from most Christmas adverts, which is using singular words and not full blown sentences about the holiday and buying or sorting out Christmas and promoting their products. This advert only relies on a couple of words with a similar sound to them and uses visuals to do the talking which is very important and probably more important than dialogue in my opinion.


Watching the advert and having counted the edits, it is a total of 16 edits within 30 seconds, so it means roughly its about 1 edit per 2 seconds. Compared to the other two adverts this one just seem to have as many cut edits. I would say its probably because of the theme of the advert. Because its set for Christmas if there was a lot of fast cuts it might give the impression that Christmas is stressful and hectic and no company, promoting their products wants to give that feeling. The feeling you want to give for a company that sells products is that buying from them will be less of a hassle, save time and give you a relaxing and enjoyable Christmas holiday and this is what the advert does do, with the amount of edits it uses throughout, and its just the right amount for an advert like this.


Camera Movement

The camera movement throughout is slightly different and uses a few different movements, at the beginning with the men pulling the tree up at 0:00 it tilts up to show them pulling the tree up with a rope, we don't know what they are doing at first but when we are put in Carol's POV we notice its a Christmas tree and gives the type of advert it is away. Within the car of Carol's POV there is movement from the camera in there at 0:01 which is from the car being bumpy, giving the advert more of an informal touch to the advert.

Most of the other shots are either zooming in or our or panning in and out of the shot to either get a closer look of something or reveal an overall picture of something by panning/zooming out like the table and cutlery at 00:10 of the advert. But overall all the movement used from the camera is subtle and not too strong on the eye and overall it gives the advert more interest and visual pleasure.


Within the whole advert, lighting is used and this is both from Carol's home and in her car as well as outside her home. Usually when using a few settings there will be different lighting but there is usually an overall lighting, or mood portrayed. For example horror film adverts will be setting in dark settings or have darker lighting to give sense of danger and fear. In this advert because its a warm advert promoting their online shop for Christmas and the setting is in a home, they want to make it more homey and comfortable so they use warm and bright/subtle lighting to give a sense of comfort and pleasure.


With composition usually Carol Vordemon, when in the shot is the centre of the screen, and its done to make her the focal point and stand out from the rest of everything else in certain clips with other people for example. When it is'nt her in the shot, like the beginning with the Christmas tree, that's in the centre, so basically anything important or relevant is placed in the centre to draw the viewer in focusing on the person and what the advert is about.

Shot types

The shot types within video is an important aspect to cover and must be done effectively, too many similar or only one shot type in an ad can create a very plain looking advert and won't gain interest, movement from the camera, editing, and different perspectives helps to give a more compelling and overall visually pleasing look to the advert, and this is what this advert has done.

Some of the shots are a point of view of Carol Vordeman, and this is to place the viewers in her shoes, and she's almost the typical model for women in this advert, as usually mum's or housewives get stressed about Christmas shopping etc and have to do all the work and Carol is almost the role model of how to have the best Christmas without the hassle, to target this advert more towards women and reach out to them and promote them to try and deal with less stress during the holidays.

Apart from that there are most shot types like, long shot, mid wide shot, long shots, mid close ups and close ups. This creates variety in shots and makes the overall TV advert look more interesting are these shots are used to great affect and make the video look more visually pleasing.



The main setting is the inside of Carol's house, showing off how to display your home and showing the variety of products they sell and how they can be presented. The use of having a setting in a home helps to make it more personal and inviting as if its aimed at everyday housewives who don't want to spend too much time out shopping but want it all done and a easier way to get it all done without getting stressed, and there company helps to give the better alternative.


The props are pretty much just the products, i.e. in this advert the table wear, with the glasses, as well as the presents, Christmas tree, lights from the outside of the house etc etc. This is done to give the viewers an idea of what they sell and how it can look when everything is in place and work well. Branding out the products convinces people more to take a look and explore their website and get an idea of what they sell and if they might want or need anything from what they sell, as most people generally do buy similar things when its comes to the Christmas holidays so branding out the generic items makes the advert more interesting and worth going on their website for and potentially to buy something.


Throughout the advert there isn't much type, and its seems to be a common thing, not using or using minimal type as possible within an advert, maybe its because its strainful or because editing has gotten more stronger and sharper companies want to present this and the video as the main focal point. Despite this advert not having really any type there is the name of the company which is at the end of the ad called ''. the way to describe it is a bold and hand written typeface. This might be used as their company name type to give a more personal and individual feel to their company, as if they care about every customer and making sure they satisfy everyone. The use of the colour purple gives it a sense of royalty, as if their products are well made and also that customers are treated like royalty.


Most of the colours used throughout are from the Carol's home which is mostly creamy colours and beige and a couple of maroon colours. Even when it has the colour from the outside as she turns on the lights it gives a bright cream colour to her home so these colours are used and help to convey calmness, purity and relaxation, trying to show the audience that Christmas doesn't have to a stressful time of year and these colours from the setting of her home give this feeling and welcome which probably represents how the company is with their customers.



The sounds used are both dialogue and soundtrack, so starting with the soundtrack its a subtle calm Christmas themed tune of a woman going ''dobe dobe dobe doo''. Because the company want to give the sense of relaxation and comfort they obviously didn't want to use a loud overpowering tune as their is dialogue as well, so i'm assuming they went with a tune like this to make the visuals and dialogue more of the key focus throughout this TV advert.


There is a bit of dialogue throughout the TV advert, however its mainly singular words ending with ''ation'' to create a type of pattern or theme throughout in advert. These are the following pieces of dialogue used in the whole 30 seconds of the advert:

''Christmas Preparation''

''For thousands of Christmas ideas,''

These words are to refer to Christmas and preparing it, and the main message from these words is if you need to look for inspiration go to their website and presentation of your home will look amazing. Your house will look illumination with the amazing decorations, and the anticipation will kick in when you invite friends and family round, where you'll have a great time. That is pretty much the overall message and that their website has a lot of ideas and can help you out in your time of need with Christmas coming up. This is why i like the advert as even though they mostly only use singular words, these words help to tell the story and journey from not knowing how to prepare the house to enjoying have company with the house fully decorated and having a fun time. And this is why i like this advert and their approach to Christmas adverts, its overall simple but effective.


With transitions there aren't really any transitions or effects which have been edited in between each shot, however there are video cut transitions, for example at  0:08 it has Carol using the tablet and buying things from and there's the use of of a transition where the items appear in the living in room. Another example is 0:10's in with Carol lifting the table clothe and then afterwards using a cut to her lighting it with glasses underneath. The use of these transitions emphasise the transformation from house to home with Christmas decorations etc. The techniques used also give it that Christmas magic feel to the advert, which makes the company look good and show what they can supply you with for Christmas with some great ideas.


The pacing throughout the advert is well edited and gives a relaxing pace to it all and also a sense of magic with the transitions on the decor etc and this is a good thing as we all like to perceive Christmas as a magical time of year, especially for children but it gives a sense of magic for adults as well who are wanting less of a stressful holiday and getting everything ready and don't want the hassle of going out shopping, and displays their company as an easier and faster alternative.

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