Tuesday 5 November 2013

Poster Design Process in Adobe Illustrator (Part 1) - Before Halfterm -

After presenting to the class my design ideas etc for the assignment of creating a science poster i cracked on with beginning to produce my science poster.

I started with focusing on my assets to begin with, and after looking back at my design idea with the woman holding the key it meant those were the two main assets i needed to produce for my poster, which is why i started making them.

I began making an Illustrator document being set in RGB then used a tablet to start to draw the female. This process of just getting the shaping and the look briefly of the female from a high angle took some of my time in class and led to me spending most of my time we had for lessons getting the drawing (outlines) looking presentable.

After i was happy with the look and it was the end of the day i went home and then working on adding the fill to the female in my own time as i knew I'd feel more comfortable doing it at home as it can be a tedious task and be time consuming. 

As i had coloured the female in and got a brief but attractive visual look to her i thought i'd start working on the key. 

I looked back to my sketchbook to see which key design looked the most attractive and would fit in well so i decided to go for the one with the wing on the side of the key. This would help to fit in with the female and her goggles with wings on them and it would work well.

Firstly i started by getting a basic shaping of the key by drawing it using the tablet then went more into detail and the shaping of the key is more smooth and presentable. Afterwards i would on individual parts of the key, like adding small gears and cogs on parts of the key to give a more detailed and interesting look to the key on a whole and to gain a nice steampunk feel for the key.

After getting a lot of extra assets put onto the key i.e. gears, cogs, wings as well as adding different mixes of steampunk (brassy, metal, golden) colours and spending most of the day perfecting the look of it making it look more and more appealing I then finished making the key asset and was very pleased with how it looked and as i was making it i received lots of nice comments from friends and teachers saying they liked the look of the key which was nice.

So on a whole this is how far i was up to making my poster before half term, pretty much having made the key asset and briefly made the female character asset graphic. So we had a week as well to work on this poster and is what I've spend my time doing in parts of my week off, making the poster.

I'll talk more about my progress of my poster during half term in the next post, stay tuned.

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