Thursday 30 January 2014

Go Pro Analysing (Part 2)

GoPro: HERO3+ Black Edition: Smaller, lighter, mightier still.

Link to video:

After looking at the beginning of the video and analysing it i wanted to analyse certain parts of the rest of the video as i didn't want to do the whole thing since its quite long of a video and  would take ages to go into detail about everything, so I've picked out parts of the rest of the video that i like.

Surfing (0:47-0:56)

One of the clips from the video i chose was the surfing clip at 0:47, the reason why is because it just looked so epic the guy surfing underneath the wave as if it was like a tunnel, and kinda felt like a journey in its own with the guy trying his best to surf through the tide.

Shot 1

This is the 1st shot and displays the man surfing and going through the wave and surfing through it. This is quite amazing of a site to see and he doesn't get knocked off his surf board at any point. Its quite amazing and seeing him surf through the wave kind of gives a kind of journey feel from start to finish as he goes in and out of the wave safely without falling of his board.

The shot itself is is a mid shot of the man surfing from behind and the tide raising and slowly falling down, and the guy making his way through it. Its a great shot and creates a mind blowing, epic feel as he easily makes his way through the tide on his surfboard. The use of sunlight gives a much brighter and warmer feel to this scene and makes it that more epic.

Shot 2

This is the 2nd shot of the guy going through the tide on his surfboard, and surprisingly this clip only used 2 shots throughout. This shot however starts with the shot of the guys reaction and making it through the tide, and the pans around behind hi mt o see him make it out of the tide. This type of shot started with a slightly high angle and ended with a lowish angle. 

Also something to note is that when the person makes it out he's more to the left that centered as its to convey the closeness of the tide caving in and anticipation, of the person and will they make it out.

Skiing (0:57-1:04)

The 2nd clip i decided the analyse the shots are the scene with the Skiing at 0:57, as it has a lot of dynamic and great movement throughout the clips and it was a pretty fast and dynamic part of the video which is why it stood out for me and caught me attention more than some of parts of the video.

Shot 1

In the first shot its start with a a low angled, level shot of the person's ski's and the person riding down the hills on his ski's. This shot makes it seem like a point of view shot and is quite close up so it makes it feel like we are the ones riding down the snowy hills which makes this part of the video feel more immersed for the audience. 

This shot also makes it feel more faster as we are placed on the ski's and feel like we're on them going down this hill, which makes it feel more speedy and faster of a shot.

Shot 2

In the 2nd shot is of a high angle of the person who is skiing down the snowy mountain hill, which is down to give us another point of view of the skiing and what is actually going on. The shot does tilt slightly which might either be due the camera and the position its on or it should be deliberate so it gives a better view of the mountain and sky, to emphasise the beauty of its environment, making the combined clips feel more interesting and dynamic as well as impacting.

Shot 3

The 3rd shot is of the person rapidly fast skiing down the slope of the snowy mountain and is done is a very fast shot, which creates impact and more interest within this part of the video, as if its edited like a fast movie chase scene or something. The shot itself is a mid shot but pans to the left and at one point of the end of the clip would probably be considered a high angel shot as the person is below the camera as  they are going down the snowy hill. The movement is fast as well considering the person's speed is really fast as well.

We also get a glimpse of some of the mountains which re emphaisises the mise-en-scene of the beautiful environment its set in.

Shot 4

In shot 4 of this sequence we see a mid, low angled shot of the person skiing, but this time the camera is in front of the person, so we can see their reaction to a certain extent. Because the person is smiling we get the impression it must be a very fun and exciting experience and that their heart is probably racing really fast, as it seems like a fast activity and can get your adrenaline going.

The person is in the centre of this shot making them the main focal point and the use of yellow jacket they are wearing helps to make this very eye catching from this shot. The shot is tracking backwards as we see the person skiing in front of us to make the shot epic and also from the person filming makes it seem like we're the ones filming it to a certain extent and this helps to make us feel involved and we're apart of this mind blowlingly fun activity in this beautiful setting, which makes us more immersed i this shot.

This shot also tracks around the whole person from front to back, by doing a 180 degree turn with the camera creating a lot more dynamic in the shot as well as making the shot look a lot more complex and interesting to look at.

Rock Climbing (1:14-1:24)

The next clip i chose that interested me was the rock climbing sequence of the woman climbing these rocks, and making it to the top with an outstanding and mind blowing view. The reason i chose this sequence also is because of the setting, as its quite a contrast from the snow environment and its interesting with the type of shots that show the woman's progression up the rocks and then making it to the top, and i also like the colours from the shot which is from the type of environment is.

Shot 1

In 1st shot of this sequence is starts out with a woman trying to climb up between these two rocks, and because is in the middle between the two rocks it places her in the centre of the screen, making her the main focal point of this shot. The shot type is a mid shot and is placed at level position making it easy on the eye and gives the audience a viewpoint of her climbing between these two rocks and a nice look at the background of this type of environment, making the shot looking even more visually pleasing.

Shot 2

The next shot is of the woman's point of view of her rock climbing, the use of this POV shot again makes us feel involved and immersed into this world of rock climbing and as if we are actually climbing up these big cliff mountain. So we feel like we've been taken on to this adventure and makes it feel like we're trying to make it to the top, making the clip feel more personal. The use of the actual rock environment gives a very bright and warm feeling and because the shot uses a POV, its as if we can feel the heat just from the colour of the rocks as it seems to be set in a very hot environment, which I'd guess somewhere like Australia or somewhere similar.

Shot 3

This next shot is a mid shot of the woman stepping on these rocks one by one to make her way to the top so she can see the view from the top of the cliff from the rock climbing she's been doing. The shot is a low level but not a low angle as the shot sits up straight to look more professional and look more engaging using a shot like this for an action like stepping on rocks like the way she is. The movement from the camera is tracking and moving along slowly behind her, and because it does this it again gives the idea that we're her or along beside and sharing this adventure with her, which makes us feel more engaged and interested as well as immersed within this atmosphere and feel like we're taking part in this activity.

Shot 4

This 4th shot is another POV shot and is used at a low angle to emphaises the difficulty as well has the height and closeness of getting to the top of the cliff. This is also used to make us again feel involved, placing us in the woman's perspective, feeling immersed and like we are the ones climbing.

The use of the low angled, POV shot also helps to convey the power of the mountain and almost conveys that nature is power and strength and even though it is a natural and powerful part of the world we can overcome fears, and experience something we never usually experience. Also this might be to convey that life is an overall journey and sometimes their are rough points but at the end of the day if you get through it and beat and get past any hinderances you can feel on top of the world.

Shot 5

This next shot which is the 5th one in the sequence is the woman almost making it to the top of the cliff from the rocks she's been climbing. Now this shot is a mid shot with the woman almost making it to the top and is angled slightly at a low angle to make the woman seen strong and mighty after all the climbing she's been doing. This overall sequence just proves women can do anything a man can do, as rock climbing is a difficult task and not everyone can do it, maybe more so than woman and this proves stereotypes wrong and proves women can do a lot of of strong related endurance tasks that men could do.

The music throughout does build up and the type of music has an epic feel to it and this sequence links in well with the music, and the type of journey feel to the video along with the music.

Shot 6

The final shot in this sequence is a shot of the woman standing on top of the cliff from the rocks after having climbed them to see this view, and she is gazing at the amazing view. The sound after having been built up stops and slows down which is probably down to emphasise the amazing view of the mind blowingly gorgeous environment.  The shot type is a wide long, shot and is done to give a huge look at the amazing view and landscape of the setting, and looks outstanding and this camera with shots like these really prove the quality of the camera and what it can actually do. The shot also zooms out to give a better perspective of the view and the surroundings which adds to the amazing  sequence with an ending like this.

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