Monday 6 January 2014

Design Update

After going back to my original final design i made some minor tweaks to the design which have changed the overall appearance of the design from the original but aren't huge or completely different.

This is the design before i made the changes and i decided to experiment with a few things when changing a few things, overall this design i liked a lot, but wanted to experiment on some parts of the design so i could see if it worked or looked more visually appealing.

I wanted to try out using a texture for my design for the cover itself so see what it would look like and above is the texture i used within my improved design. The reasoning behind wanting to use a texture for the cover of the design itself is because it helps to give a scruffier impression to the story and looks more of a rebellious narrative just by looking at the book with this texture and the other aspects of the design.

This is the new improved design with a few adjustments to my previous final design, and to begin with i just wanted to experiment with a few things to see if it looked better as a design. One of the few things i added to the design is a texture for the cover itself to give a more scruffy and rebellious look to the design. I set this texture to an opacity of 20% so it would be subtle and not interfere with the rest of my design or be too overwhelming. 

The other aspect of my design i changed from the other one is the torn part of the design with the title of the book. I originally had it torn into the middle but decided to have it torn from the side as it makes more sense if someone would rip through something. However i didn't do it to the quote on the back cover because i believe that would be too overwhelming as the blurb torn part is very large and it would look to messy and potentially ruin the back of the design with the torn parts as the quote and the main blurb are very close to each other.

Since I've improved my work i do need to go back to my branding guidelines, poster and update my work from my updated design and then i'll be all done with this project, for now until i go back to class and present to everyone and get their feedback.

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