Saturday 5 October 2013

Steampunk Style in General

After looking at Brian Kesinger's work i then decided to look at more Steampunk work in general to get a taste of the overall theme. The Steampunk style is presented in many forms, art, pictures, adverts, films and videogames and a lot of the examples below are from vary of these.


These two are from a recent videogame made called BioShock Infinite which is a first person shooter and contains the Steampunk style and does it in a very vivid and bright way rather than a darker mechanical way with the use of oranges or grays and browns.

The colour scheme is more vivid and brighter uses strong colours like reds, golds, and whites to kinda give a bold look and rich dream like feel.

These images help to portray steampunk in a different way, i.e. a bright a vivid way rather than other steam punk art work.

This next example here is a little bit of a darker image as you can see. This image may be trying to portray technology of the era as a bad thing. This is conveyed by the dark atmosphere and machinery as if its an ugly unattractive part of life at the time, and making it a main cause for pollution. Despite this i like the details within the machinery giving a slightly gloomy but cool look, adding to the theme of steampunk.


So as you may realise steampunk is a very industrial, steam based visual style and occasionally giving a dark atmosphere, however as shown above steampunk can also be bright, uplifting and vivid.


The advert above is another illustration of a female, who is riding a weird contraption with the visual style of steampunk with the use of the goggles, technology etc. This person used the tint of orange in order to add to that theme of steampunk in the era it was set in. This advert also uses some odd aspects for example the flying cup with an eye, a dinosaur tank machine thing and what the woman is riding. These elements help to stand out amongst other ads and help to make it look unique and quirky which really adds to the appeal. The typography helps to emphasise the quirkiness by saying "Weird & Wonderful things" relating to what is was talking about with the appearance.

In this image here this displays an illustration of yet another female in very steampunk stylised outfit, the reason i decided to place this on my blog is to capture more of the way people would've dressed with this visual style, especially women since the science poster is to encourage females to take part in science. 

Something else I've noticed in a lot of steampunk related artwork is the use of the striped backgrounds which is quite interesting, it helps to make it simple yet classy and contrast well with the uniqueness of the outfit this woman is wearing.

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