Friday 18 October 2013

Science Poster Presentation (Feedback)

On the 16th of October we were supposed to present to the class a presentation which consisted of our knowledge of the brief and how we began to respond to it with the use of some research of the visual styles, ideas, taglines, sketches, colours, type choices and a final proposal to wrap our idea for this assignment up for what we were going to do for our poster.

On the day i was ready with a presentation that was well designed and had a lot of content portraying my ideas and the process i took as i began to start the assignment and developing them. As i pitched i was slightly nervous but decided to forget about nerves and just pitch the class my ideas and giving them a clear idea of what i want my final design to look like and i think everyone had a clear understanding of that so i'm happy in that regard.

After presenting i was given a decent amount of feedback with the majority of it being very positive and a few small critique hear and there. So the main positive feedback i received from my peers was the following:

"Well Presented"
"Easy to understand ideas"
"Great themes"
"Well Researched"
"Amazing Sketches"
"Interesting + Engaging Slides"
"Good range of taglines"

This was the main feedback i received from everyone and i'm glad everyone enjoyed my presentation with it being engaging and like both the theme of my slides the way i presented it and my sketches i produced in my sketchbook so i'm very happy that i did get all this amazing feedback. However i was given a few small improvements i could have made in order to make my presentation that much more better.

The few minor critique i received was the following:

"Engage with audience a bit more"
''Too many filler words (um, like)"
"Summerise more of the research"
"Look at Audience"
"Presentation went on for a while"

My response to the critique is i do agree i needed to engage a little more with the audience, making more eye contact even though i did make i contact occasionally. I did say 'um, like' a lot however i don't think it was a huge issue and maybe with more practice in the future i can prevent myself from saying filler words accidentally. The fact that people thought my presentation was long is a little bit unfair, i can understand i went i bit more detail about research and needed to just summerise it. However i feel like everyone else's presentations were very short or spoke really quickly so my response to that comment is i'll try to improve with a shorter presentation but i feel like my pitch was at a nice pace and wasn't as long as people made it seem.

Overall i felt myself i presented a great pitch that was detailed spoken clearly and got my ideas out and made it clear what style and look i wanted for this science poster that i would create. So in conclusion i think maybe more practice and not many slides as well as focusing on eye contact as well and summerising my work will make future pitches a lot more engaging, and enjoyable.

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