Monday 21 October 2013

My Final Design Choices

Looking back at my presentation i thought i'd wrap up all my final design choices like i did in my presentation on here and also justify why i'm going for that specific design choice.

Visual Style

First of all for my visual style for the science poster i'm choosing to go for...


The reason i chose this style over the others was when i was doing the visual style research i looked through a lot of examples of steampunk and i grew to admire the style and the way its represented. The time period is something that appeals to me, close to the Victorian era but more based around the technology. But overall steampunk just appealed to me and i had more ideas with this visual style than the other ones.


As i was developing my ideas and started with taglines i didn't really have that many ideas apart from a  few that i thought would work well and as i began to visualise some design ideas i thought of 'Science is Key'.

The reason i decided to choose this one for my final tagline was because i had some great ideas of how i could incorporate a key and a young female an relating it to science and the tagline. I also think its short snappy and is appealing which is something i realized a lot of recruitment posters do is use short snappy words to catch the target audiences attention and this is what i intend to do for mt poster. 

Main Font

After looking into many different types of typography i concluded i would go for this font below.

I like this font type a lot because its serif which does make it formal in a sense but uses more curves and curls which makes it slightly feminine and elegant so i feel like it would appeal to girls a lot more and since its serif its set in that era of the Victorian period as well as overall appearance it does look like a steampunk/victoriana type of font and i think it will go really well in my final design.

Main Colour Shceme

I've tested and explored out different colour schemes whilst doing this assignment and i decided to got for this colour scheme as some of the primary colours i will use in my final piece.

A lot of these colours are more related to the industrial side of steampunk, with the brass and gold colours as well as the greens and light/dark browns browns. I wanted this colour scheme not only to be relating to steampunk but some colours to have a slight sense of victoriana but not overwhelming.

Design Style 

This is one example i drew up in my sketchbook of how i might have the design look like and how i could use the tagline to my advantage. I decided on this design as my final choice because i think it would appeal to women with the girl example the key relates to the tagline as well as the girl holding the key is emphasising discovery, success, etc showing science can be fun and important as well as satisfaction of discovering something new etc. The use of the gear like key and goggles relate to steampunk and the lab coats and beaker relate to science. But overall i like the angle, design and general idea and i think it could work out very well.

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